Isnin, 25 Jun 2012


Mom once said that she wanna named us, adik beradik, by nama hari yang jatuh pada hari kelahiran. My eldest sister was born on Wednesday, hari Rabu, and her name supposed to be Rabuyah. But dad somehow doesn't like the idea. So I guess since I was born on Monday, hari Isnin, if we were to be named by the day we were born, my name supposed to be Isninah, and my adik should be Khamisah. Hahaa…

I kinda like that name compare to my current name. Sorry mama papa. I just doesn't like the idea nama anak mcm kembar tapi berlainan tahun. And I also doesn't prefer nama2 yg tak macam Melayu dan tak juga berbaur Islam. Hehee… apa pun nama adalah hak mak ayah. So give ur kids good name so that they know u appreciate their birth and love them.

Erm, apa sebenarnya nk cerita ni. Nothing. Today is Monday the 25th June. And I was born 33years ago at Hospital Umum Kuching. Happy Birthday to me :) and Happy Monday to everyone!


Neeza Zaini

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