Jumaat, 25 Mei 2018



One of the best apps on helping me to listen to ayah that I am currently memorise.
Boleh ulang per ayat atau per portion which is the bonus mark.
Simple design not complicated.
Easy to use.

Only that my favorite reciter, which is Shk Abdul Rahman Ousy, is not one of the listed Qari. So, I substitute with Shk. Khalifa At-Tunaiji. 

Isnin, 21 Mei 2018

Ramadan dan Quran


And so I bought a new Quran (again) for this year Ramadan. Sebuah obsesi yang tidak berkesudahan..

Quran mushaf Madinah saiz A5

Melengkapkan koleksi yang sedia ada 

Salam Ramadan kepada semua.

Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kita dengan berterusan menganugerahkan taufiq dan hidayah, mengampuni dosa-dosa kita, mengizinkan kita untuk terus beribadah, membaca Al-Quran, mengamalkan yang sunnah, menghadirkan sahabat-sahabat yang sama-sama bertaqwa yang mampu membimbing kita ke jalan Nya, redha terhadap kita, dan di pengakhirannya, menghadiahkan kita rumah di Jannatul Firdauw yang berhampiran dengan Nya, untuk kita sentiasa menatap wajah Nya, dan juga mengizinkan kita untuk berada dekat dengan Rasullullah saw, keluarga dan sahabat baginda. 

Ameen... 🌸

Sabtu, 5 Mei 2018

C&P: Memorization plan

  • Memorizing the Quran is a major and tremendous undertaking. It’s incomparable to any other projects, for its profit is guaranteed.
  • Every project you undertake needs a detailed plan, it has to have a beginning and an end, and between the beginning and the end there needs to be milestones to measure progress and be a source of motivation
  • You can start now. As for its end, it’s for you to decide. That will depend on your commitment to this project
  • Determine for yourself, how much you can memorize in a day, 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages?
  • Then determine how much you can revise in a day.
  • Also determine how often during the week are you able to sit with a sheikh/teacher, once a week, twice etc?
  • It all depends on your own personal and individualized situation
  • The important thing is to have a detailed plan, a beginning and an ending
  • the duration doesn’t really matter, but what matters is that you have a plan, just like you have a plan of course of study in unversity
  • Don’t start off memorizing not knowing whether you will finish in 5 years or 10 years or even 15 years. Set your goal, “I will finish in 5 years inshaaAllah!”
  • Don’t think 5 years is too long. They can just pass you by very quickly.
  • You can have 5 years pass by so easily without making good use of them, but spending it with the book of Allah is very different
  • Just look at your own commitments and responsibilities and make your own customized plan. With this type of planning and management you WILL inshaaAllah be able to achieve this goal
  • A beautiful thing to do while  memorizing this Quran is for you to have an appointment with Allah ; a set time in the day where you would spend memorizing and revising the Quran
  • It can be half an hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, you set the time, just as long as you stick to it
  • An old man, who works as a school guard relates that he would revise 5 juzz a day, and some days he would feel sleepy, but he wouldn’t sleep until he finishes memorizing those 5 juzz
  • He would look for free time during his work days, and when he sees a free teacher, he would ask him to listen to his ruba3 (quarter) and so on
  • This time that you give to the Quran in the day, is quality time, so never ever give this time to something else. Keep this appointment with Allah
  • Surah Fatir [35:29]
    Sahih International
    Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish –
  • Those who recite the Quran, and do not necessarily memorize it, imagine the reward they are getting, as the hadith says that when you recite the Quran, one letter gets you 10 reward
  • The one who merely recites is not at the same level as the one who memorizes
  • The one who memorizes, imagine his reward, as he does his revisions, and how close he is to the Quran compared to the one who doesn’t
  • The memorizer, he knows that this Quran will keep on dropping from his memory, so he keeps revising it, and he revises a lot, for the rest of their lives
  • This is the real ‘trade’ with Allah. And this trade, has a profit that will NEVER perish, as stated in the ayat above
  • Indeed, the rank of a haafidh is very very great

Jumaat, 4 Mei 2018

Kembara bersama Quran - Bacaan tergagap-gagap


Alhamdullillah, hari ini saya telah diingatkan dengan satu perkara.

Secara alami, saya bukan lah seorang yang mudah mengeluarkan kata-kata secara spontan. Tidak pernah menjadi wakil pemidato sekolah, atau wakil mana-mana pertandingan bercerita. Pernah masuk bertanding untuk pertandingan pantun mewakili sekolah, namun terpilihnya saya dalam team tersebut adalah kerana keupayaan saya untuk membina baris-baris pantun secara cepat. Andai dinilai dari segi lantunan suara untuk berpantun, saya kira itu mungkin menjadi sebab mengapa team kami hanya mampu bertahan di peringkat separuh akhir sahaja.

Adakala saya boleh mengeluarkan pendapat dan nasihat namun, 70% daripada keseluruhan situasi saya lebih kepada seorang yang banyak mendengar, dan jika diminta untuk melontarkan pendapat.. mungkin pendapat saya akan keluar tersekat-sekat. Ini secara alami- jika diminta bercakap secara spontan.

Namun kemajuan teknologi, membolehkan kita berbicara tanpa meluncurkan kata, maka saya menulis, dan saya kira sekiranya penilaian dilakukan secara maya, orang pasti melihat saya sebagai seorang yang ramah dan mesra. Walhal, sekiranya bertemu muka, saya mungkin dinilai sebagai seorang yang lebih banyak diam tersenyum dari berkata-kata - itupun jika kamu melihat muka saya.

Samalah dengan perkara tasmik. Entah, saya dapati saya sering membaca bacaan yang telah dihafal, jika tidak tersekat-sekat ia akan jadi sepatah-sepatah.
Sehingga kan Ustadza memberi komen, "Saya tahu awak dah hafal, cuma bacaan nya masih tak lancar, masih tersekat-sekat."
"Ya Ustadza. Even I can see the page clearly in my head, but when I start to read, I stuttered," jawab saya, kecewa dengan diri sendiri.
"Maybe you need to build confident," cadang Ustadza, menyuntik motivasi pada diri ini.
Saya diam tidak memberi sebarang maklumbalas. Seperti apa yang saya tulis di atas, saya bukanlah seorang yang mudah mengeluarkan kata-kata secara spontan.
"In shaa Allah," jawab saya mengakhiri perbualan.

Tatkala saya hampir merasakan yang saya mungkin bukanlah orang yang sesuai untuk menghafal Al-Quran, kerana saya pernah terbaca, hanya orang-orang tertentu sahaja yang terpilih untuk menghafal, Alhamdullillah.. persoalan yang berpusing-pusing di dalam kepala, di hantar jawapannya oleh Allah swt secara langsung. Saya diketemukan dengan artikel ringkas daripada DarulTauhid.com berkenaan dengan Petahnya Bicara. Di dalam artikel tersebut, ia menulis:

Bagaimana pula dengan nasib penceramah yang tidak begitu fasih dan kurang "umph" ? Kurang manis mukanya, kurang pandai bermadah dan mengayat, suara pun tergagap-gagap dan kurang mantap. Si pendengar pun asyik menguap... 

Mereka tidak dikenali. Tidak diikuti. Tidak dihadiri ceramahnya kecuali sedikit. Youtube viewers mungkin hanya berpuluh sahaja, itu pun sudah cukup menggembirakan.

Benarkah lagi petah bercakap lagi baik?
Lebih berkesan?
Lebih POWER?

Lupakah kita akan nasib NABI MUSA 'alaihissalam? Bukankah dia seorang yang gagap? Tidak jelas tutur katanya? Tidak kemas butir bicaranya? Hingga dia meminta agar Allah 'azza wa jalla menjadikan saudaranya Harun 'alaihissalam sebagai nabi dan teman baginya... yang lebih fasih dan petah; agar dia menjadi jurucakap bagi Musa?

Subhanallah.. statement ini sangat memotivasikan diri. Membawa kepada asbab mengapa saya lakukan semua ini.. Saya kembali meluruskan niyyah. Saya menghafal kerana Allah swt. Semoga Dia memberkati perjalanan ini, merahmati segala usaha saya, dan memakbulkan doa dan harapan saya.

Semoga Allah memudahkan segalanya. Ameen...

Selasa, 1 Mei 2018

C&P: Keep with the Qur’an

Keep with the Qur’an

One time I was memorising whilst in Makkah, and in two lines ahead of me I saw Shaykh Muhmmad Jebril. The Egyptians know him very well and is well known. At the time of the Iqamah I moved forward and quickly found room next to the Shaykh.

We prayed the Fard. Then I asked him, do you have any advice for anybody memorising the Qur’an? He said yes and so I enquired as to what it was.

He said: “Al Qur’an Yaghar,” as in The Qur’an is Jealous: “If you leave it one day, it will leave you for a week. If you leave it for one week, it will leave you for one month, if you leave it for one month, it will leave you for a year, and if you leave it for one year, it will leave you forever. It will desert you.” (Sh. Jebril)
This is very important wisdom, I believe in its truth. As part of business, I need to travel and during travel I may have missed my daily practice. When I came back, I found it to be very difficult to return to where I was. My teacher would notice this and say you are coming back in bad shape. So you have to start again.
Keep with the Qur’an all the time!
-- Dr Mohd Sabbahi