@iTWEETdawah - The more I learn about Islam, the more I realize how perfect it is.
~ couldn't agree more.
As for me I discovered that life is so much simple.
Like now, I wear tudung sarung and jubah and that's the most easiest, modest and 'menepati hukum and syarak' cloth. And I was like 'kenapalah aku tak discover this kind of attire like long ago'.. sebab mudahnya, tiap kali nak keluar rumah, amik je mana jubah bersih yang tergantung, sarung tudung, pakai socks and I am ready to meet the public. Tak de lagi adegan nak pakai baju apa ni yer?? Dan, yang paling menarik, if we're out and its time to perform the salaah, boleh terus je solat tanpa perlu fikir serabut rasa nak kena pakai telekung surau yang hangit hapak etc..
Itu bab pakaian, bab makan pun dah semakin ringkas. Tak de rasa nak ke fancy restoran (like we use to do when I was working full time). Makan je apa yang ada asal kenyang. Anak-anak pun sebenarnya tak la demand, for them food is good and tasty, diorang makan aje. Once in a while ada la jugak makan kat fancy restoran, sbb sometimes eating out is one way to get close among the family members.
Dan sekarang pun, nafsu untuk membeli belah memang hampir tak ada. Live with whatever we have, make full use with whatever we have. Mebe sebab income pun dah tak banyak, but I am happy with our new life. Simple and easy. And I believe we are more closer, back to the Deen. Syukur, Alhamdullilah.. :)
BalasPadampraises to Allah
I am looking forward to wear jubah..
but jubah for nursing is really mahal nowadays ...still couldnt find the one at reasonable price..
Alhamdullilah.. Jubah akak the normal jubah but I sew hidden zipper kat lengan dia.. (ada buat tutorial ni.. hehee).. Nursing jubah memang a way bit expensive.. huhuh..
BalasPadamSalam kak Neeza,
BalasPadamSejak kenal dgn suami 13 years ago, kami dah hidup simple, mula tu mmg sukar utk Liza but now, sangat mudah...hehe...
Even I am not wearing tudung now (looking forward to wear one) I am very much love living a simple life, pakai aje t-shirt dan seluar, tak de cermin pun kat rumah bersolek, (IMAGINE, Life without mirror haha!!)
Sikat rambut and keluar! As easy as that, I can imagine how much life more easier with tudung and jubah. But I prefer women wear coloured jubah, I mean pastel color jubah or outfit, I have goosebump to see women wears all black! Macam extreamist aje huhu...
Mungkin keran a income minima menyebabkan kami tak belanja sangat, untuk anak2 aje kepentingannya, dan makan nasi pun cuma satu lauk aje, sesekali ada lah 2 lauk, tapi, it is good for our health juga kerana kita tak makan berlebihan dan membazir.
And since kami takde transport, berjalan dan guna public transportation aje sepanjang masa, susah, tapi itu juga terbaik buat kami sekeluarga, ada saja adventure dan perkara baru kami temui...
P/S: Husband Liza dah pun keluar wad, walaupun tak 100% sihat, tapi Liza bersyukur, dia ada di depan mata bersama kami :)
Liza, i think you're just like me.. Akak dulu pun tak pakai tudung. I started wearing tudung 2003 Ramadhan. Tak pakai tudung bukan sbb Akak modern ke apa, but more to family culture, my mom Sarawakian so she's not wearing one (but now dah pakai, she started wearing once she saw me wearing the tudung)..
BalasPadamWaktu tak pakai tudung memang akak simple jer, rambut pendek (not colored, never rebonding etc) pakai simple jer.. and just like any other Muslim, I never miss my salaah. And ya, waktu tu I felt not wearing tudung makes my life easy.. Bangun tido, mandi, siap 5 minit dah gerak g kelas.
I started to wear when study post-grad kat Uitm, doing Master buat research made me very busy, so I fast, nearly every day (mana yang tak uzur tu) sbb tak de masa nak g makan. And at that time I alway terfikir, I pray, fasting sumer, adakah my amalan diterima sbb I am not properly covered? And waktu tu jugak my housemate like to ajak me gi clubbing which I never had the intention.. So, I decided to pakai tudung (escapism dari ajakan member) and pindah rumah.. I know my reason to became a hijabi is not a good one (not because of my love towards Allah swt) but however I found the hikmah of wearing tudung. I gained people respect. Life much simpler. That's all I can say.. :)
And, Alhamdullilah, your hubby fine.. Sedih.. Akak nangis tau!!! :(
BalasPadambest baca blog u ni..i like simple life...x yah nak serabut bagai...like u said..pakai jubah mmg memudahkan keje...but u know...biler keje kat MNC ni...mcm agak tidak diterima...ala2 x up to date lak...sampai i kene tegur .. tp i jawab dgn tenang.." x per..hubby i pun x bising..."...hahhaha....wut ever it is..Alhamdulillah atas rezeki Allah bagi...syukur...