Ok, how should I put this in words.. Truth is I dont read it till the end. First two chapters is interesting. It makes me want to read, and keep on reading, but somehow I have to stop to sew (I got orders to be done). First chapter is about Muhammad SAW, his persona, being the chosen one - right from the beginning, from the day he was in his mother womb. Interesting. I must say. Second chapter is about the fight to develop the religion, the daawah, fight between the Quraisy, the haters and yet the sweetness of Islam and again the persona of Muhammad SAW as a great leader. Again interesting. I cried, I laugh, amazed at the same time. OK, third chapter, is when Muhammad SAW has gone, story about the Khalifah Ar-Rasyidin. Ok, this is the part where I sensed that there is something wrong with the book or the author. Ok, truth is I am not really well-versed with Islam and the history. Lack of reading (I admitted) and little of exposure too. So, when I was in this third chapter, I don't really smell the fish, up till I discussed what I am reading with hubby.
Punca nya was I said to Mat:
"Padanla Quran ni ditulis Resm Uthmani, zaman Uthman Al-Affan rupanya yang start to compile the whole Quran". And Mat was like, "Ya, betul".. and I continued, "And it stated that, that is his biggest contribution towards Islam, other than that he seems to be one of Khalifah yang tak best sangat - nepotism, berat sebelah, and that's the reason he been killed." "Eh, awak baca mana ni? Jangan cakap sebarangan, dia antara 10 sahabat dijamin Syurga". And I showed Mat the book. "Apa lagi buku ni cakap?" So, I told him that the book said that Ali RA should be the first Khalifah not Abu Bakr RA. The system of khulafa Ar-rasyidin even though is based on musyuwarah but is actually not fair. Abu Bakr was chosen immediately after Nabi Muhammad SAW died and Ali as one of the Rasullulah close-family member was busy settling with whats not. And Mat was like,"Buku ni tak suka Sahabat ya? Ali is the best kan?" "Yup." "Buku tu buku Syiah la.. Reza Aslan (the writer) orang Iran kan?" There.
And later the next chapter (I kept on reading, however) its tells a lot about the Imams and the mazhab - Syiah. And I stop.
So, about what books I am currently reading. I guess for the time being, I concentrating reading the Quran and the tafsir. Hey, I found better Quran and tafsir - much better from the previous one: this is juzuk by juzuk (thinner) with biggest font. I like. I like the fact it is juzuk by juzuk. But must be extra careful - I brought one juzuk (Book 6) balik kampung previously and nearly left it there. -- beli kat MPH btw.
Other books:
We have alot of rohaniah books. All of the books was bought by Mat. I, in the other hand loves reading fictional books like CJ Lewis (Narnia). I used to read that kind of books, until Mat said "Membaca ni bagus. Its ilmu. But somehow, kita kena filter jugak apa yang kita baca.. sebab it took our time. Better baca something that can feed our soul and benefit to ourselves: here and there (akhirat)". And I like what he said. So, I never read 'junk' since then. Suratkhabar pun dah tak baca.. Hahaha...
Ok, thats all. Lama tak update beria. Sbb previously my favorite laptop screennya rosak. Its a waste to buy a new lappy so Mat bought new screen for it. Yeay. Thanks. jadikla. So, insyaAllah I will write more after this. Wee...
Jealous! huhu... Tlg ingatkan isteri, tegur mana yang patut dgn cara hikmah. Ada juga yg menegur. Alhamdulillah... =)
BalasPadamAlhamdulillah :)) .. Yg baik datangnya dari Allah swt, yg buruk tu dtgnya dari kita...
BalasPadamSaya pun ada beli buku 'Tiada tuhan melainkan Allah' tu. Tp tak habis2 baca lg. Baru kat 1st chapter pas tu terbengkalai. Thanks for the review.
assalam neeza,
BalasPadamboleh share more details about the quran..author, publisher etc. n beli di MPH mana ye? thanks
Adah, nk baca boleh but must be open mind la.. :)
Adiqsu, Quran is terbitan Pustaka Darul Iman, can go to their web: www.pustakadaruliman.com.my . Saya beli kat MPH Alamanda. Dia dalam beg ada bnyk color: blue, orange, green. I chose Pink. Harga RM95. Hope this help :)