Isnin, 31 Disember 2012

Happy Birthday En Suami dan lain-lain cerita

I am so fail of making a blog title. But leaving it without title, payah pulak kalo nk retrieve nnt.

Anyway, we celebrate hubs birthday last Friday. Punya la nk konon nk buat surprise!!!, but si kakak dah kasik tau awal-awal malam tu before tido, 'esok birthday Walid kan, Ummi ckp nk pergi beli cake esok'.. hahaa.. Birthday kali ni unlike the previous year, adalah beria sikit, sebab Zahra demand for birthday celebration.. sibuk nk tiup cake, so layan kan ajer.. hahaa.. And, beria jugak sebab I took sometimes (blocking my timetable) to sew baju for hubby.. Dari tahun lepas dah plan nk jahit kemeja untuk dia, so this year must realisasikannya.

How I jahit? - just trace the pattern from baju sediada. So memang tak pakai pattern kertas tu la. Nk trace from baju to baju ni, dia tricky sikit, so nk senang always use pins. Lotsa pinsssss. cantum sampai kain tak bergerak, than trace je kat belakang kain (wrong side), pakai pen, lebihkan sikit by 1 cm. Potong betul-betul ikut rentasan pen, dan jahit betul-betul dlm gap 1 cm seamlines. InsyaAllah jadik and the size would be exactly like the baju yg kita traced kan tu. [this is how I jahit baju basically.. hehee]

Dan bila dh siap baju hubby, terus plak terasa macam Aloha Hawaii, and I was like, mahu ke Mat pakai baju ni, and it gave me an idea to buat the same baju to miniMat, Hamza. And since kain lebih ada banyak, saya jahitkan jugak long skirt for Zahra. Fair and square, semua pun dapat. Alhamdullillah, baju Mat and Hamza is perfectly fit with them. Cuma birthday-boy, tak puas hati sikit sebab kenapa baju Hamza lengan panjang and baju dia lengan pendek.. hehee..


Balik kampung

IPOH... the next day.
Balik naik train: me and the kids only sbb my pil is at my house, so hubby is taking care of them. Balik pun tujuannya adalah untuk attend wedding my schoolmate, so we have this kindof highschool reunion la.

Balik adalah naik train. One word: Penatzzz!!
Orang ramaaii sgt.
However, we made it safe arrived at ipoh and kids enjoyed the trip so much. Lain kali bole naik lagi but kena ada Mat escort sama. Hahaa..

Yup, they were wearing the baju I sewn sbb Mak sgt excited :D

The wedding:

Congrats Asmatul :)


Saba Islamic Media Bookstore

We went here on their opening celebration on the 25th December. Located at Section 8, Bandar Baru Bangi.

So for those yg cari buku islamic for you and for kids, can dropby this Toko Buku.

OK. That's all.
Thanks for reading xoxo..

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