Isnin, 30 September 2013

Special guest

‎Wakil Pa&Ma datang buat shooting skit, regarding Alhamdulillah. 

Thanks to Kak Arin yg suggest to the reporter. This is the second time she help me in promoting my work to nationwide. Yg first masa bisnes baru mula menapak, kami featured dalam Harian Metro - 15 Jun 2011. Ingat sangat tarikhnya sebab kena re-enrol masuk kerja balik, and sbb masuk suratkhabar, order jadi banyak, I decided to quit working, on that particular day itself. Alhamdulillah, I took that as a sign from Allah swt, answered my istiqomah prayers. :D

Yang ni kalo tak silap, untuk segmen ruangan DIY‎. Buat sendiri - Baby carrier. Kira payback time to all of you yg kat luar sana. Ilmu yg ada ni dikongsi serba sedikit. InsyaAllah featured bulan Disember. Sesama la kita saksikan eh. Hehee.. :)

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