Jumaat, 22 Disember 2017

My motivation to memorise the Quran

Bismillah ..

One thing I love about Friday, after our hafazan and murajaah session, Ustadza will do taaruf session - today its about sharing what makes you decide to hifz the Quran.

It makes me thinking back, why I want to be in this journey. Well, it all started after I've build a quite strong relationship with the Quran - I was and still am, in love with Quran. Alhamdulillah.

At first, I don't feel like I should memorise this Book of Allah swt. Why memorise when you can just read it, kan.. And then, I read this novel - Memeluk Gerhana by Isa Kamari - one of the best novel I ever read. [spoiler : the main character, Ilham, lost his sight at the end of the story. I cried buckets reading on how he copes with his blindness]. Putting myself on Ilham's shoes, all I can think is: how am I gonna read the Quran if I suddenly become blind? It makes me rethinking and realign what I want to do in life --- I decided to jump into this journey: I want to memorise the Quran, biidznillah, please make dua for me.

Subhanallah, for a person who can't even remember song lyric correctly, all I can say is, so far, the journey is quite challenging. Alhamdullillah ala kulli haal. Its a long journey for me for sure, AND I am happy that I got to spend time with Quran everyday. Alhamdullillah for the privilege. :)

May this sharing brings benefit.
Salam alaik.

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