Few hours left before we bid 2017 goodbye. Alhamdullillah, 2017 has been such a good year with so much opportunities and duas that come true.
All praise belong to Allah swt. Alhamdullillah rabb alamin.
Recapping the year:
But before that, I would like to thank Allah, Alhamdullillah, for Tajweed Made Easy Academy Glabal, Ribaat Rabata, Al-Huda Int and Quran Madinah - these academies which provide online classes, give a big opportunity for me to learn the Book of Allah, without having to leave the house. And these academies are specifically for sisters, it makes more convenient and comfortable for me to seek the knowledge.
- Alhamdullillah, I done with juzzuk Amma. Sesuatu yang jika ditanya 5 tahun lepas mungkin tidak akan terlintas langsung di fikiran - nak hafal Quran. But here I am, dalam satu perjalanan yang panjang - 1 done, 29 more to go. Jujurnya, bila dah masuk surah Al-Mutaffifin, debaran dia rasa hebat sangat - teruja sebab nak habis dah Juzzuk Amma ni, namun turut bimbang juga surah-surah yang telah dihafal mencair hilang dari ingatan. Tanggungjawab dah semakin besar dan berat. Bacaan dan tasmik mesti dilakukan setiap hari tidak boleh ditinggalkan. Jika dibaca pengalaman mereka yang telah menghafal Al-Quran, setiap hari memang kena baca 5 juzuk minimum, bacaan dari ingatan, supaya ayat-ayat itu melekat segar tidak dek kealpaan. As I fear what I memorise might lost, so I have to face my fear - revise, revise and revise.
Diriwayatkan daripada Abdullah bin Umar ra, bahawa, Rasullullahu saw bersabda: Sesungguhnya perumpamaan orang yang menghafal Al-Quran itu seperti unta terikat. Apabila dia menjaganya, maka unta itu akan tetap ada ditempatnya dan apabila dia melepaskannya maka unta tersebut akan lari.[Hadith Riwayat Al-Bukhari]
Allah swt make easy on me. Ameen.
- I read 42 books. woots woots.. Alhamdullillah, 7 more than what I've targeted.
- I got the opportunity to learn Arabic, basically Quranic Arabic. Alhamdullillah, walaupon masih belum mahir, namun kefahaman itu telah ada. Bila baca balik Quran tu, boleh la sikit-sikit tangkap susun kata perkataan dalam ayat tersebut.
- OSFA is a hit. Alhamdullillah. walaupon business NeezaNeedles masih kecil-kecilan, namun rezeki nya cukup sangat to support my education fees and also to buy books.
- Volunteer writer at tazkirah.net and LangitIlahi.com. Thank Allah for the gift and the opportunity to spread dakwah tru my writing.
- and Alhamdullillah for the opportunity to become Quran tutor - sharing knowledge and learning together. Getting to know sisters from all over the world with their struggle and passion to learn the Quran. I pray that this will be one of my way to Jannah, as being a housewife I alway feel that I don't really have anything to contribute to the ummah. Alhamdullillah for this opportunity.
As for 2018, I am looking forward:
- to memorise at least 2 juzzuk, insyaAllah, may Allah help and make easy for me, Ameen,
- to read 50 books, insyaAllah,
- to make beautiful carriers and satisfy my customers, insyaAllah,
- to help sisters to read the Quran, insyaAllah, and
- I plan to publish my first book, insyaAllah biidhnillahi taala.
May Allah give blessing to everything that we do, may He firm our heart to istiqamah in whatever good deeds that we do, may He alway remind us to always do for His sake, not for the sake of His creation, and may He make ease for anything that we do in the cause of Him. Ameen.
Happy 2018.
May this sharing brings benefit.
Salam alaik.
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