بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Alhamdullillah, I did the preliminary test for the 5 last juz (Surat Al-Ahqaf - AnNas) yesterday and all is good. Alhamdullillah. The real-test will be somewhere next week. I pray that Allah swt keep on helping me to be calm and let me able to answer all questions.
To sit for the exam i need to submit some of my personal data, and I realised that my passport is already due. 5 years and the only place that I travelled using the passport is to perform Hajj. Alhamdullillah. A journey that change everything. E V E R Y T H I N G. Yes. Subhanallah, Alhamdullillah. For the guidance that lead to eye-opener, which is most important and what should be the priority and focus in this life. Alhamdullillah.
My first red-passport was made when I was 16yo. I get the opportunity to go to LA, supported by my Aunty. Merasa la pergi Disneyland, Universal Studio, Hollywood and other places around LA. And the passport due just like that - LA is the only place that I went. And my 2nd red-passport was made 20years later where we got the invitation for hajj and thats the only place I went - Mekkah and Madinah. Will there be 3rd red-passport, erm not sure. I'm hoping to go to Sri Lanka in 2022 for my Saut ul-Quran Graduation ceremony, in shaa Allah. may Allah swt make easy.
Itu jela, nak cerita, pasal passport. In other word, we don't get the opportunity to go travel a lot like some. But then, thats my choice too. I am not a travel person - I like staying home as I don't like to break my rutine. Yes, I am a time-table person. Anything that comes in between sometimes boleh buat stress - tapi itulah ujiannya - to prove who among us best in deed (AlMulk ayat2).
Regarding travel, dalam Islam, ianya memang diharuskan-- supaya perjalanan 'melihat dunia' itu memberi ibrah, mendekatkan kita kepada Sang Pencipta, sekaligus meningkatkan imaan dan taqwa. Hopefully those yang suka berjalan melihat dunia dapat mengubah persepsi mereka dan menambahkan ketaqwaan, bukan sekadar berkongsi foto di sosmed.
Ok, thats all for today. In shaa Allah, nanti tulis lagi.
Salam alaik.
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