Jumaat, 17 Januari 2020

The Why

Bismillah ArRahman ArRahim

I was reading an article about one memorisation journey and he stated in his article that one most important things in other to achieve your goal i.e. memorise the Quran in to know the Why, and that you are very clear with the Why. In my understanding, our Why must be kerana Allah swt as that is what I will say for those who asking me why I am on this journey. But then, the person who wrote that article said that 'kerana Allah', "I'm doing this because of Allah swt" is not the answer for the Why question. Doing for the sake of Allah swt is the niyyah, the intention. But the Why is something that spark you to take on this journey and by knowing your why, you will be able to get to the end. Like someone who study medicine becos his mom died due to cancer and he hopes to become Dr that can help other cancer patient -- that's the Why.

So, I dig into my head, in order to find my Why - whats make me wanting to memorise the Quran, becos if you ask myself 5 years ago (before 2015) to go and memorise the Quran, my answer would be "Are you kidding me?" So basically its start after I came back from Hajj. Alhamdullillah, Hajj really change my perspective towards the duniya. May Allah swt accept my Hajj. Ameen. But before that, Alhamdullillah, i have build quite strong relationship with the Quran, read it daily with translation in order to understand. And I find peace in Quran, Alhamdullillah. And that novel - Memeluk Gerhana, really make me rethinking about my relationship with the Quran - spoiler ahead: the main character in the novel became blind at the end of the story - and I could not imagine myself being blind - how am I going to read my Quran if i lost sight? I guess that's my Why I want to memorise the Quran - I want to always have strong relationship with the Quran - for me, Quran matter more that anything in this world. I don't know, but I absolutely fell that the Quran is the best gift that I ever receive. Thank you Allah for the guidance - for opening my eyes - for allowing me to take this journey - for letting me memorise Your words - for letting me to keep on read it in every state of situation: with and without the mushaf - to let me cry because of it - to let me laugh and smile because of it - to keep on giving me the opportunity to learn the Quran: free online classes here and there - and to bless my time with the Quran. I can keep on listing my gratitude towards Allah for the Quran but I will stop now as I want to read the Quran :)

And that's ladies and gentlemen- presenting My Why. May Allah swt bless this journey of memorising Quran. May He allows His words to be plant in my mind and my heart- keep on planting and grow strong. Aameen.

Thank you Allah swt. Thank you very much.
Alhamdullillah Rabb Al-3alamin.

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