Post yang pertama kali untuk tahun 2019, yang bakal berakhir kurang dari 2bulan. Nak katakan sibuk sangat tu, erm tak tahu la (boleh refer to my weekly timetable below tu). Cuma meng-update blog menjadi bukan priority buat masa ini. Saya semampunya cuba untuk tidak bersoc-med, kerana umpama blackhole, masa seperti tidak tahu kemana menghilangnya apabila duduk dihadapan komputer. Alih-alih 30min gone just like that. Subhanallah. Thats the reason why I no longer active in iG nor Fb. Bahkan apps dlm telefon: whatsapp, telegram, emails semua ditutup notifikasinya. Jadi maaflah kalau lambat merespon.
Just to share my online Quran class with all:
Just to share my online Quran class with all:
1. Quran Masjid Nabawi.
Alhamdullillah, I am back in the class (dismissed myself on 3rd Oct 2018, then return back on 30th Sep 2019) - hampir setahun menghilang. I claimed that as taking a year sabbatical. Hahaa.. Amazingly the link is still able to access, Alhamdulillah.
Why I redraw? becos waktu tu rasa macam the class is going on too slow. And new students masuk and the teacher start teaching back the Qaida, and being class monitor I think the responsible is too overwhelm. And so I left.
Why I comeback? Well, Ust contacted me not sure when but maybe somewhere in March asking about my hidfh progress and at the end of our conversation, she said that if I want to comeback to her class, I am always welcome. Thats the spark, but however the link was no longer in my portal, so I cant comeback. The truth is the link is still nowhere to find but Alhamdulillah there's the link from eml that are still able to access. However, if they change the link then I can no longer enter the classroom.
Ok, coming back to the Q, why I comeback? Well, I need a push-up. A motivational support for my hifdh. Ok, a little bit background, Alhamdullillah, I am now in Juz24, ma shaa Allah. Alhamdullillah. But upon reaching to juz24, in this "Ha-Mim" 's surahs, I found that my enthusiasm towards memorisation going down the hills. The road seems to be very very long and keep getting lonelier. Thats is one of the main reason for me to coming back: I need the 'vital spark'. But of course, after doing few salatal Istikharah, the longing to comeback is strong. Dan entah bagaimana, ex-classmates wA bertanya khabar, and I take it as a sign for me to comeback. And here I am back in class every morning, but Alhamdullillah, now I am no longer the monitor so the class so far is a breeze. Alhamdullillah.
The class is free. So anyone nak daftar boleh je, click on the name and it will forward you to the website.
2. TMEAG Memorisation
Alhamdullillah. Masih bertahan, dari Januari 2017 til now. In shaa Allah selagi ada rezeki dari Allah, kemampuan untuk bayar yuran bulanan, akan ingin kekal terus berada di dalam kelas hafazan TMEAG. This class has help me alot, like alot. Alhamdullillah. When I started, I have only memorised fews surah: An-Nas - At-Takatsur -- surah yang dihafal zaman sekolah rendah ni la yang dok diulang-ulang baca dalam solat. Sehingga la umur 36tahun, masih setia dengan 15surahs ni saja. Subhanallah.. Lagu-lagu kat radio tu, gagah hafal. Surah dok la ulang had hafalan sekolah rendah, Subhanallah. Alhamdullillah atas hidayah Allah swt, terbuka hati untuk tertarik menghafal qalam-Nya. Alhamdullillah..
I took a year to finished Juzzuk Amma, blood, sweat, and tears jugak la.. Tapi Alhamdullillah, tak pernah rasa nak berhenti, sebab nak enter to this memorisation course ni susah jugak, 4bulan I am in the waiting list, so bila dah dapat, I dont want to let it go. Tenaga pengajar is good, yuran pun mampu bayar, and one thing menghafal ikut kemampuan kita. Cuma inilah jugak masalah nya, takde push. Kena set target to push your own self. But Alhamdullillah, so far dah nak hampir 3tahun and I am nearly reaching 7juz. Ma shaa Allah, tak pernah sangka. Alhamdullillah.. When I 1st joined, my mission was to read other surah (than that 15surahs) in my salat. And Alhamdullillah, when I am able to read surah Bayyinnah, Al- Fajr, Buruj, rasa macam solat tu puas sangat. And I want to also recite long-long surah during qiyam. Qiyam in arabic maksudnya berdiri. Apala kepuasan untuk hanya membaca surah-surah pendek. And so the journey continue, Alhamdullillah..
Sedikit info:
Class is 3days a week via skype.
Yuran Rm100/month.
3. Khayrukum Halaqa
Ok, among other reason why I dismiss myself from Quran Madinah is I've got to enter this halaqa. Kelas percuma, Alhamdullillah. Only drawback: kelas jam230 pg waktu Malaysia. Tapi sebab kelas is once a week, so tak rasa terbeban. So far, Alhamdullillah, kelas is good, and the teacher is so awesome. Ada satu malam tu aku tak terjaga and the teacher called, all the way from Riyadh, asking me am I going to be absent or how. Ma shaa Allah. May Allah rewards her abundantly. Ameen.
3. Khayrukum Halaqa
Ok, among other reason why I dismiss myself from Quran Madinah is I've got to enter this halaqa. Kelas percuma, Alhamdullillah. Only drawback: kelas jam230 pg waktu Malaysia. Tapi sebab kelas is once a week, so tak rasa terbeban. So far, Alhamdullillah, kelas is good, and the teacher is so awesome. Ada satu malam tu aku tak terjaga and the teacher called, all the way from Riyadh, asking me am I going to be absent or how. Ma shaa Allah. May Allah rewards her abundantly. Ameen.
4. Quran Bersanad
Hidup ni bagaikan tarikan magnet. TMEAG actually offered such course (by end of 2018) however masa dan yuran agak tidak mengizinkan. And so I googled kot la ada kursus Quran bersanad nearby, ie kat masjid besi or putra, or somewhere in Bangi ke, but I found none. On January 2019, I bumped over this add of Quran Sanad class in telegram Darul Tauhid. Berhari jugak fikir, should I enrol or not sebab waktu dia mulanya clash ngan kelas Saut-ul Quran. I made salatal isthikarah and decided not to join, but somehow, hati rasa macam ruginya la.. will there be any such opportunity in future? So, I contact my TA (teacher assistant) in Saut ul-Quran saying I will enter class a bit late, and she's ok with that and here I am doing the class. Alhamdullillah, so far Allah swt permudahkan. Kelas bertukar waktu, tiada clash dengan mana-mana kelas Quran and my relationship with the ustadzah is also good. She's young but I respect her so much. Alhamdulillah. Dah di juz20 dah sekarang ni, semoga dipermudahkan untuk sampai ke surah An-nas. Ameen.
5. Saut ul-Quran
I have talked about this class previously here, so just to conclude how amazing this class is and shaping me as a Muslim. Subhanallah, so much gems. Explanation from Ust Aisha was so beautiful, its like after each and every session, I will like fall in love with the Quran again and again. Ma shaa Allah. Best sangat, Alhamdullillah Allah for tihs opportunity. We are now reaching to 10juz. Kelas hampir 3bulan suspended the other day after tragedy in SriLanka, but Alhamdullillah dah resume now, and I've been thinking once I am done with this class which will be like another 3 years in shaa Allah, I will repeat the next session. Or maybe enrol class Fahm Quran with Ust Taimiyyah pulak. This class is the food for my soul. I really need it and I dont want it to be end. Even waktu class takde 3 bulan, I've been missing the class so much, dok dengar recording yang lepas-lepas.
6. Sobat Quran Akhwat
This is kelas hafalan kat whataps. Based in Indonesia, so we use bahasa Indonesia, no english. If anyone want to join and you cant really speak or understand Indonesia Language, can ask for english, sebab yours truly is one of the admin, so maybe I can help to translate. Hehee.. :)
Ok, I think thats all perkongsian untuk julung kalinya ini. And it seems that I've taken an hour jugak tu think and write. Huhuu.. See, how times flies begitu sahaja. Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat. Terima kasih kepada yang membaca. Doakan saya istiqamah dalam perjalanan menuju Ilahi ini.
Semoga bertemu di posting yang lain. Salam alaik.
Hidup ni bagaikan tarikan magnet. TMEAG actually offered such course (by end of 2018) however masa dan yuran agak tidak mengizinkan. And so I googled kot la ada kursus Quran bersanad nearby, ie kat masjid besi or putra, or somewhere in Bangi ke, but I found none. On January 2019, I bumped over this add of Quran Sanad class in telegram Darul Tauhid. Berhari jugak fikir, should I enrol or not sebab waktu dia mulanya clash ngan kelas Saut-ul Quran. I made salatal isthikarah and decided not to join, but somehow, hati rasa macam ruginya la.. will there be any such opportunity in future? So, I contact my TA (teacher assistant) in Saut ul-Quran saying I will enter class a bit late, and she's ok with that and here I am doing the class. Alhamdullillah, so far Allah swt permudahkan. Kelas bertukar waktu, tiada clash dengan mana-mana kelas Quran and my relationship with the ustadzah is also good. She's young but I respect her so much. Alhamdulillah. Dah di juz20 dah sekarang ni, semoga dipermudahkan untuk sampai ke surah An-nas. Ameen.
5. Saut ul-Quran
I have talked about this class previously here, so just to conclude how amazing this class is and shaping me as a Muslim. Subhanallah, so much gems. Explanation from Ust Aisha was so beautiful, its like after each and every session, I will like fall in love with the Quran again and again. Ma shaa Allah. Best sangat, Alhamdullillah Allah for tihs opportunity. We are now reaching to 10juz. Kelas hampir 3bulan suspended the other day after tragedy in SriLanka, but Alhamdullillah dah resume now, and I've been thinking once I am done with this class which will be like another 3 years in shaa Allah, I will repeat the next session. Or maybe enrol class Fahm Quran with Ust Taimiyyah pulak. This class is the food for my soul. I really need it and I dont want it to be end. Even waktu class takde 3 bulan, I've been missing the class so much, dok dengar recording yang lepas-lepas.
6. Sobat Quran Akhwat
This is kelas hafalan kat whataps. Based in Indonesia, so we use bahasa Indonesia, no english. If anyone want to join and you cant really speak or understand Indonesia Language, can ask for english, sebab yours truly is one of the admin, so maybe I can help to translate. Hehee.. :)
Ok, I think thats all perkongsian untuk julung kalinya ini. And it seems that I've taken an hour jugak tu think and write. Huhuu.. See, how times flies begitu sahaja. Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat. Terima kasih kepada yang membaca. Doakan saya istiqamah dalam perjalanan menuju Ilahi ini.
Semoga bertemu di posting yang lain. Salam alaik.

Jadual harian as in Oct 2019 - jadual ni hampir 3bulan sekali berubah
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