بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
How to Memorise the Quran
By Sheikh Yaser Birjas
Tips and technic on how to memorise the Quran:
Before you start the process of memorise
1. Fear Allah. Have taqwa on Allah. Conscious on Allah. Quit the sin.
2. Love the Quran - have a strong relationship with the Quran - companionship with the Quran = read often, knows the meaning, asbabun nuzul.
3. Recitation regularly - read 10pages, 1j or more every single day. Dont leave the recitation of Quran. often reading will make it easy to memorise.
4. Tajwid - have a teacher. Learn read in order. Once you recite with tajweed. The recitation will become something that is pleasure to heart. Help in memorisation too - you know where place to do ghunnah and long mad.
5. Learn the Quranic arabic. At least know the basic words. Learn the frequently use words of the Quran - like Ya ayyuhalladzina amanuu - its mean O, believer. So each time you bump on this word you will know the context of the ayah and it makes easy to memorise.
6. Choose good time to memorise based on your-self - which you feel very focus and can absorb as maximun as you can. Fix the time - like you want to memorise 30min before fajr, commit to the tie and do it every single day.
7. Choose place to memorise the Quran - no noise, less distraction.
8. Have a Quran buddy - someone that can help you and assist you memorisation. Someone that keep encouraging you to keep on tract.
9. Write what you going to memorise - as you write you will memorising the ayah.
10. Dua to Allah swt. Ask allah to make it easy for you.
How to start memorise.
Before you start, take a year to read the Quran. Get yourself familiar. Khatam every month.
Try to memorise with short surahs - this will encourage you. When you complete memorising one surah. you will be motivated to memorise more and more. Try to momorise until j28, then you start can with bigger surahs or beginning of the mushaf. You can also memorise the surahs that you've familiar before go to alBaqarah. In shaa Allah.
With what you about to momorise:
1. Read the meaning - help you to understand what you going to memorise and the connection between one ayat to another
2. Read the ayah 20times to familiar the tongue and until the ayah stick.
3. Read the ayah 20times by heart and repeat 20times without mistakes.
4. Read the next ayah, repeat same method. Then repeat 20 times combine both ayah you have memorise without mistake.
5. Repeat to finish your assigment (3lines, 5lines or 1page, depend).
Try to memorise 6days a week. Give one day a break. So that, on that day, you repeat the whole portion that you have memorise the past 6days. Repeat as much as you can.
You have to have a daily time to murajah daily.
Use what you have memorise in solat.
The best solat to review our memorise is solat tahajud.
Choose only one copy of mushaf.
Standardise Qari - only one recitor to listen too.
Keep on memorising, even you have forget the previous memorisation. You will come back to those ayah once you finish and it much easier than memorising for the first time.
Memorise by order. More motivating rather than jumping from a surah to another surah.
Good mushaf to use is the Madinah surah - each page end with ayah. 15lines. and a lot of apps using the mushaf.
Better to have a teacher to aid you in memorisation. If hard to find teacher you can use apps to memorise.
If one do not know how to read the Quran, just memorise it. Memorise and finish the whole Quran. Then you come back to learn how to read the Quran. Rasullullah is an ummi, he dont know how to read but managed to memorise the whole Quran. Learn tru listening.
How much to revise daily is a juz. So that you finish a mushaf one a month.
Better to have wuduq to touch the mushaf.
Semoga Allah swt terus menunjukkan kita ke jalan yang benar. dan mengampuni dosa-dosa kita atas kekhilafan diri sendiri.
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