Isnin, 11 Mei 2009

Hari Buruh ke Hari Wesak

Ni nak story mana weol pegi last week.

After the long weekend Cuti Buruh, DH having a meeting at Kertih (em, Kertih jer – at first he said he might going to Bintulu (kawe dah excited dah), tetengok gi kampong halaman jer..). So at first balik KT, then baru pergi Kertih.

At kampong, as usual, Zahra akan camouflaged being a typical kampong girl – comot dan belengas.. heheheh.. which I indeed preferred her to be in that way – so tak de la dia sombong bila balik kampong eksen berlagak konon orang Bandar so tak nak main kotor.. thehehe. Main kucing, anak ayam, main tengah panas sampai bila malam letak je atas katil terus tido – tak perlu didodoi-dodoi.

On Sunday evening, we move on to Kertih – stayed at Awana Kijal. DH told me that the hotel sucks but being there for the first time, I think the hotel’s quite fabulous – best sangat sebab banyak activity yang bole dibuat: by me and Zahra.

We played at the giant chess, playground, Smarty’s Club and of course the swimming pool – main sampai lebam. Heheheh

First day at the kolam - takut-takut je Zahra ni

Second day at the kolam - we went to MesraMall the nite before for dinner and i bought her the float at toyRus - punya la suka: siap landing macam minahsaleh sunbathing la pulak.. hehehe

Last day in the kolam :Walid is there to take the pict

At the Smarty's Club : punya la ralit main sampai on the second day, we spent more than two hours in here. I have to drag her to our room becoz it's already her nap time. Masuk bilik, tak sempat nak bancuh susu, dia dah tergolek tido

Us: jalan-jalan pantai waktu petang - Walid dah balik dari opish

We stayed from Monday till Thursday. On Thursday evening, we move back to KT and on the next day we heading to Ipoh via Kuala Berang-Cameron Highlands road. Stayed in Ipoh for the weekends and coming back to Putrajaya on Sunday afternoon.

As on today, I’m back to work.. uhuk uhuk.
Apa pun, enjoy sangat the holiday- rasa worth betul amik leave.

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