Jumaat, 23 November 2018

Menjelang 2019


Sebulan menjelang ke tahun baru 2019.
Melihat kembali azam 2018, Alhamdullillah perkara #1 berjaya saya laksanakan. Alhamdullillah ke hadrat Ilahi. 

Perkara #2-5 kita kiv dulu :)

Banyak perkara yang berlaku. Alhamdullillah Allah atas nikmat yang dikurniakan nya. Lama tak menulis, saya sibuk dengan online class - ya bukan 2 tapi 4 kelas hafalan Quran dan satu kelas Quran yang sangat saya suka - Saut ul Quran. Alhamdullilah, teringat-ingat akan doa yang dilafazkan saat berihram di kepanasan Arafa yang tandus. Alhamdullilaah..

Terima kasih atas segala nya Wahai Allah yang Maha Mengasih. <3

Sabtu, 14 Julai 2018

Doa Membaca Quran


Doa untuk sentiasa Membaca Quran:

اللَّهُمَّ بِالْحَقِّ أَنزَلْتَهُ وَ بِالْحَقِّ نَزَلَ.
اللَّهُمَّ عَظِّمْ رَغْبَتِي فِيهِ وَ اجْعَلْهُ نُورًا لِبَصَرِي وَ شِفَاءًا لِصَدْرِي.
اللَّهُمَّ زَيِّنْ بِهِ لِسَانِي وَ جَمِّلْ بِهِ وَجْهِي وَ حَسِّنْ بِهِ صَوْتِي وَ قَوِّي بِهِ جَسَدِي
وَ ارْزُقْنِي تِلَاوَتَهُ آنَاءَ الْلَيْلِ وَ أَطْرَافَ النَّهَارِ.
وَ احْشُرْنَا مَعَ نَبِيِّكَ مُحَمَدٍ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلِمْ وَ آلِهِ الْأَخْيَار.
And here’s the translation:

Oh Allah, with Truth You have sent it down (i.e. the Quran), and with Truth it was [indeed] sent down.
Oh Allah, increase my desire for the Quran, and make it a light for my sight and a cure for my chest (i.e. heart and what contains it).
Oh Allah beautify with it my tongue (i.e. what I say of words), and decorate my face with it (i.e. it’s beauty), and perfect my voice with it, and increase my body in strength with it.
And give us, as rizq, [the chance] to recite it with submission to You throughout the night and during parts of the day.
And resurrect us back (on the day of Judgment) with Your beloved Prophet Muhammad ‘alaihi salatu wassalaam and salawat on his beloved family.

Selasa, 26 Jun 2018

Kehidupan vs kematian

26 Jun 2018.


Telah lebih 10hari nenek pergi meninggalkan kita. Perasaan saya masih berbaur-baur. Keseluruhan perkara ini sangat memberi kesan dalam hidup saya. Ini bukanlah perkara kematian pertama kali berlaku dalam hidup. Tahun 2011 kami menghantar Mok pulang ke Ilahi, dan dua tahun berikutnya, kami menghantar pula Baba. Pemergian nenek, mungkin saatnya di ambang Aidilfitri, seperti memberitahu bahwa kadang kita rasa ianya dekat namun bisa menjadi jauh. Aidilfitri is 2 days away, but for Nenek, she will celebrates elsewhere. Not with her children, not with the families. Mengingatkan bahawa kehidupan ini sesuatu yang rapuh: tatkala sejam lalu, kita bergelak ketawa dengan kawan-kawan, sihat bertenaga, bergembira menikmati kehidupan yang bagai tiada kesudahan, sesaat kemudian, ajal datang menjemput. Pergi begitu sahaja.

Pagi Aidilfitri, saya pandang wajah kedua mama dan papa, wajah suami dan anak-anak. Hati tidak putus-putus menyebut Alhamdullillah, kerana disatukan kesian kalinya di pagi hari penuh keberkatan. Entah sampai bila, hati tertanya-tanya. Siapa pergi dulu? Mereka atau aku? Rahsianya hanya Allah swt yang tahu. Saya mendoakan agar kita mendapat husnul khotimah dan dipertemukan kembali di syurga Firdaws. Ameen.

Saya teringat akan petikan daripada sebuah buku yang saya baca, "kematian adalah refleksi kepada kehidupan". Jika masa hidup kita banyak dihabiskan dengan perkara sia-sia, maka kematian kita juga akan dicerminkan dengan keadaan yang sia-sia. Jika kehidupan banyak dimanfaatkan dengan perkara yang diredhai oleh Allah swt. maka kematian kita juga akan diredhaiNya. Allahuakbar, Astaghfirullah, benar bagai dikata.. Saya memohon keampunan Allah swt dari terjebak dengan perkara yang sia-sia yang boleh mengundang murkaNya. Ameen.

Saya akhiri posting ini dengan klip yt yang sangat menyentuh hati: The Meaning of Life.

Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat.
Salam alaik.

Isnin, 25 Jun 2018

12 dan 39


2 Jun yang lalu genap hubungan kami suami isteri mencecah ke tahun yang ke-12. Alhamdullillah. Sepanjang 12 tahun, banyak perkara manis yang kami tempuhi bersama: kelahiran 4 orang cahayamata yang menjadi penyeri bahtera rumahtangga, kembara haji berdua bersama, dan tidak dilupa akan kisah-kisah pahit dan masam yang menjadikan kami bersandar pada Yang lebih kukuh bagi memastikan perhubungan ini berterusan.

Alhamdullillah. Suami adalah hadiah dan anugerah dari Allah swt. Sebelum bertemu dan berkahwin, saya memang banyak berdoa - agar dijodohkan dengan seorang yang boleh membimbing saya ke jalan Nya, seorang yang mencintai Allah dan Rasullullah saw, seorang yang sabar, 'action speaks louder than word', dan keseluruhannya, baik inside out. Alhamdulillah.. terima kasih kepada rancang tv yang mana Ust dalam rancangan tersebut mengajar agar muda-mudi yang bujang (saya termasuk pada ketika itu) untuk menitipkan dua setiap kali selepas solat untuk mendapat pasangan yang sempurna- sebagaimana yang kita mahu. Alhamdullillah... Dua itu dimakbulkanNya. Alhamdulillah...


Hari ini, saya telah berada selama 39 tahun untuk sebuah kehidupan di dunia. Satu tahun di dunia bersamaan dengan 1000 tahun di akhirat, menjadikan nilai kehidupan ini hanya 3.9%. 3.9% itu jika dilihat dari mata kasar, sangat kecil nilainya. (gst pun 6%). Namun 3.9% ini, nilai yag kecil ini lah yang akan menilai arah tuju kehidupan di alam sana. Buku kanan atau buku kiri - Ashabul yamin atau Ashabul syamil.

Terima kasih Allah swt di atas kehidupan ini. Terasa sangat disayangi. Saya pernah ditanya, andai hidup ini boleh dialter dan diubah, apa yang saya mahu ubah? Jawapan saya untuk hari ni (dan akan datang in shaa Allah), saya tak nak ubah apa-apa - saya syukur beribubapakan mama dan papa, beradik beradikkan long dan sya, bersuami kan Mat, punya 4 anak yang sempurna pada kacamata saya, duduk di rumah sebagai homemaker, Alhamdullillah.. saya gembira dan bersyukur dengan perjalanan hidup yang telah Allah tentukan pada saya. Ternyata Dia tahu apa yang terbaik buat hambanya ini. Harapan saya: semoga derap langkah yang diambil setiap hari menghampirkan saya kepada Nya, dan saya berdoa yang terbaik untuk seiisi keluarga agar kelak kita dipertemukan kembali di Jannatul Firdauws.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin.

Neeza. 25 Jun 2018.

Ahad, 24 Jun 2018

YT clip: Shaykh Muhammad Alshareef -- Written in Stone: Tips on memorizing the Quran

Below are some quick tips that will help you in memorizing the Qur’an: 
1. You absolutely must have a teacher. Do NOT memorize on your own. You must have a teacher who you respect and whom you fear. Don’t ask ‘how’ to memorize the Qur’an. Ask where you can find the best teacher. The teacher will then guide you on the ‘how’.

2. Distractions. In memorizing the Qur’an, you must free your mind and environment of distractions. Imagine trying to memorize at a football game? Tough, huh? How about a theme park, could you sit down and control yourself to memorize? Probably not. Getting into a Qur’an Hifdh program with a teacher and discipline will assist you in creating the perfect atmosphere for memorization.

3. Memorize through Audio. A lot of people think they are memorizing the ‘look’ of the Mushaf, but actually you are memorizing the ‘sound’ of Ayat. When I review, I record my recitation on CD and listen to it again and again. The students that read the loudest in class are all the strongest students. Why? Because they can hear themselves the most? When I was in Qur’an school, the boy beside me read so loud. I asked the teacher to ask him to read more quietly. He said a most powerful statement that became my motto: “No, you read louder!” I did and it benefited me unbelievably.

4. Location of the Mushaf. Your eyes follow a specific direction depending on what you are thinking or doing. If you are lying, your eyes go left. If you are remembering something visual, like where you left your keys, your eyes will look upwards. When you memorize, the direction of memorization is right and left, not downwards. The mistake I see people make is that they put their mushaf low on the ground and then try to memorize. In order to fully harness the power of your mind, you must keep the mushaf at eye level, and not dip your head..

5. Eat brain food. We’ve all heard the advice of uncles that you have to eat Badams (almonds) to improve memory. Well, I’m here to tell you that the uncles were right! The food you eat, the drinks you drink, directly affect your ability to excel in memorization of the Qur’an. Do not eat fatty, unhealthy food. Do not drink soda. Eat a nutritious light breakfast, a nutritious light lunch, with almonds for snacks during the day. Subhan Allah, you will find you accomplish much more in your day.

6. Make everyday a victory. You can move a mountain rock by rock. Enjoy every page you memorize, every Ayah. I am often asked about my secret to memorizing the Qur’an. They are expecting me to teach them a special ‘south-beach-hifdh-diet’ or something. (I call it tip shopping, they are expecting a specific tip).

I say again and again, there is no doubt that there are three ingredients. If you have these three ingredients, you will accomplish what you set out for:
a. Dua, supplication (you must always reflect your desire to Allah).
b. Sabr, patience (it will be a testing path, fill your bags with Sabr powerbars).
c. Taqwa, protecting yourself from sin. If you do not remember anything from this article except these three ingredients (DST – Dua, Sabr, Taqwa - DST) then, bi idhnillah, it will suffice.


Jumaat, 22 Jun 2018

Ramadan 1439 (2018)


Alhamdulillah.. hari ini telah genap seminggu kita meninggalkan Ramadan, kembali kepada fitrah.

Pelbagai perkara, suka dan duka berlaku pada Ramadan tahun ini. Suka untuk saya berkongsi buat kenangan di masa hadapan.

Alhamdulillah.. rancangan Ramadan kali ini adalah untuk memenuhi masa dengan menghafal Al-Quran, spesifiknya surah-surah berbaki di juzzuk 29. Ada 4 surah yang masih berbaki, hajat hati mahu menghabiskan keempat-empat surah tersebut, namun selesai Ramadan hanya 2 surah berjaya tersemat di dalam hati. Alhamdulillah.. saya kira ianya masih pencapaian yang terbaik kerana 
i. biasanya saya mengambil masa hampir 3 minggu untuk menyelesaikan menghafal satu setengah mukasurat Al-Quran, dan
ii. saya mula menghafal selepas 10 Ramadan. Selamasa 1-9 Ramadan saya gunakan untuk revise surah-surah yang telah saya hafal. Alhamdulillah.

Kami pulang ke Ipoh pada malam 24 Ramadan. Di Ipoh, saya diperkenalkan dengan radio Quran - milik Papa. Bentuknya kecil comel tetapi sound dia sangat jelas dan kuat seperti radio yang besar. Jatuh hati punya pasal, sekembali ke Putrajaya saya beli radio yang sama (di lazada.com) dan upload dengan alunan Qari kegemaran saya. Alhamdullillah. 

Shawwal disambut dengan hati yang agak pilu. Nenek pulang menemui Ilahi, disedari pada petang 28 Ramadan, dan selamat dikebumikan pada waktu dhuha, 29 Ramadan. Saya doakan yang terbaik untuk Nenek. Teringat setiap kali hari raya kami datang ke rumah Nenek, dan dihujung perpisahan Nenek akan berkata "Entah raya tahun depan, Nenek ada lagi entah tidak". 
Dan kata-kata Nenek tersebut akan saya sambut dengan, "Takpe Nek, kita jumpa di syurga inshaAllah".. 
dan Nenek balas dengan persetujuan, "Ya kita jumpa di syurga".  
In sha Allah... kita jumpa di Syurga, Nenek. 

Minggu depan kelas online akan kembali dilanjutkan. Terdahulu (pada entry yang lepas) saya ada menyatakan 'my plate is full and something must go'. Ya, sesuatu harus pergi dan saya mengambil keputusan untuk merehatkan diri dari kelas Khitmul Quran Tmeag, fokus kepada kelas hafalan sahaja yang kini telah di'upgrade' sistemnya. Pelajar yang telah tamat juzzuk30, akan meneruskan hafalan ke Juzzuk1, dan mana-mana pelajar yang berada pada juzzuk 29/28/27, di kehendaki menghentikan current surah dan continue ke juzzuk1. Makanya, in sha Allah, saya akan mula menghafal Juzzuk 1 untuk semester depan yang bermula Julai ini. I still have 2 surah to go to finish juz29, dan sekarang sedang sedikit-sedikit mula menghafal. Saya fikir, saya tetap mahu menghabiskan juz29, walaupun telah mula dengan juz1 nanti. Biidznillahi taala. Semoga Allah tetap membantu memudahkan segalanya, Ameen.

Selain kelas Khitmul yang terpaksa saya 'letgo' buat sementara waktu, saya juga menggugurkan diri dari kelas Taleem ul Quran Al-Huda. Namun, bukan gugur secara mutlak, saya redraw dari kursus tersebut dan register pula ke kelas Saut ul Quran, Al-Huda. Macam lompat tukar kursus jelah. Format kelas masih sama - word analysis, tajwid, translation and tafsir of the Quran. Masih 4 tahun. 
Yang beza: 
i. kelas SQSL hanya hujung minggu waktu pagi 10am - 1230pm, jadi tiada lagi kelas di tengahmalam, dan 
ii. hanya belajar berkenaan Quran - tiada subjek seerah, hadith, fiqh dan sebagainya, yang mana saya fikir lebih ringan untuk saya handle (memandangkan proses menghafal telah cukup banyak memerlukan tumpuan). 
Kelas bermula esok, dan saya berdoa dan berharap, in sha Allah, selepas empat tahun saya akan memahami Quran dengan lebih mendalam, dan saya mahu selepas empat tahun saya boleh membaca Al-Quran tanpa membuka mushaf. Semoga Allah memudahkan perjalanan ini, Ameen.

Demikianlah, sedikit sebanyak kisah Ramadan 2018. I bid farewell to Ramadan with lots of tears, satu sebabnya kerana Nenek meninggal dunia, dan sebab lain, saya terlalu amat sukakan Ramadan. Allahumma baligna Ramadan. Semoga bertemu lagi di tahun hadapan. Ameen.

Saya masih bercuti dari FB dan iG. Malasnya nk 'masuk' balik. Tapi kena masuk jugak, sebab @neezaneedles itu perlu bergerak. 

Saya akhiri post ini dengan gambar kami sekeluarga di pagi raya. Mungkin nak kena snap gambar lain yang lebih presentable untuk simpanan album gambar raya tahunan. Tahun ini, konsep anak-anak adalah berpakaian jubah. Saya fikir jubah lebih praktikal daripada baju melayu, sebab anak-anak pergi mengaji dengan Ust Amin (kelas lepas magrib), pakai je jubah, dalamnya baju tidur. Senang. Konsepnya, suami dan anak-anak berjubah putih, mak maintain jubah hitam, becos I am minimalist like that (hehee).. namun Yahya opt for jubah hitam "Nak sama dengan Ummi". So sweet of him. <3

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1439 / 2018 kepada semua pembaca blog ini. Maaf zahir batin. Semoga apa yang ditulis dan dikongsikan di sini memberi manfaat kepada pembaca di luar sana. Terima kasih. Jazakumullahu khayr.

Salam alaik.

Jumaat, 25 Mei 2018



One of the best apps on helping me to listen to ayah that I am currently memorise.
Boleh ulang per ayat atau per portion which is the bonus mark.
Simple design not complicated.
Easy to use.

Only that my favorite reciter, which is Shk Abdul Rahman Ousy, is not one of the listed Qari. So, I substitute with Shk. Khalifa At-Tunaiji. 

Isnin, 21 Mei 2018

Ramadan dan Quran


And so I bought a new Quran (again) for this year Ramadan. Sebuah obsesi yang tidak berkesudahan..

Quran mushaf Madinah saiz A5

Melengkapkan koleksi yang sedia ada 

Salam Ramadan kepada semua.

Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kita dengan berterusan menganugerahkan taufiq dan hidayah, mengampuni dosa-dosa kita, mengizinkan kita untuk terus beribadah, membaca Al-Quran, mengamalkan yang sunnah, menghadirkan sahabat-sahabat yang sama-sama bertaqwa yang mampu membimbing kita ke jalan Nya, redha terhadap kita, dan di pengakhirannya, menghadiahkan kita rumah di Jannatul Firdauw yang berhampiran dengan Nya, untuk kita sentiasa menatap wajah Nya, dan juga mengizinkan kita untuk berada dekat dengan Rasullullah saw, keluarga dan sahabat baginda. 

Ameen... 🌸

Sabtu, 5 Mei 2018

C&P: Memorization plan

  • Memorizing the Quran is a major and tremendous undertaking. It’s incomparable to any other projects, for its profit is guaranteed.
  • Every project you undertake needs a detailed plan, it has to have a beginning and an end, and between the beginning and the end there needs to be milestones to measure progress and be a source of motivation
  • You can start now. As for its end, it’s for you to decide. That will depend on your commitment to this project
  • Determine for yourself, how much you can memorize in a day, 1 page, 2 pages, 3 pages?
  • Then determine how much you can revise in a day.
  • Also determine how often during the week are you able to sit with a sheikh/teacher, once a week, twice etc?
  • It all depends on your own personal and individualized situation
  • The important thing is to have a detailed plan, a beginning and an ending
  • the duration doesn’t really matter, but what matters is that you have a plan, just like you have a plan of course of study in unversity
  • Don’t start off memorizing not knowing whether you will finish in 5 years or 10 years or even 15 years. Set your goal, “I will finish in 5 years inshaaAllah!”
  • Don’t think 5 years is too long. They can just pass you by very quickly.
  • You can have 5 years pass by so easily without making good use of them, but spending it with the book of Allah is very different
  • Just look at your own commitments and responsibilities and make your own customized plan. With this type of planning and management you WILL inshaaAllah be able to achieve this goal
  • A beautiful thing to do while  memorizing this Quran is for you to have an appointment with Allah ; a set time in the day where you would spend memorizing and revising the Quran
  • It can be half an hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, you set the time, just as long as you stick to it
  • An old man, who works as a school guard relates that he would revise 5 juzz a day, and some days he would feel sleepy, but he wouldn’t sleep until he finishes memorizing those 5 juzz
  • He would look for free time during his work days, and when he sees a free teacher, he would ask him to listen to his ruba3 (quarter) and so on
  • This time that you give to the Quran in the day, is quality time, so never ever give this time to something else. Keep this appointment with Allah
  • Surah Fatir [35:29]
    Sahih International
    Indeed, those who recite the Book of Allah and establish prayer and spend [in His cause] out of what We have provided them, secretly and publicly, [can] expect a profit that will never perish –
  • Those who recite the Quran, and do not necessarily memorize it, imagine the reward they are getting, as the hadith says that when you recite the Quran, one letter gets you 10 reward
  • The one who merely recites is not at the same level as the one who memorizes
  • The one who memorizes, imagine his reward, as he does his revisions, and how close he is to the Quran compared to the one who doesn’t
  • The memorizer, he knows that this Quran will keep on dropping from his memory, so he keeps revising it, and he revises a lot, for the rest of their lives
  • This is the real ‘trade’ with Allah. And this trade, has a profit that will NEVER perish, as stated in the ayat above
  • Indeed, the rank of a haafidh is very very great

Jumaat, 4 Mei 2018

Kembara bersama Quran - Bacaan tergagap-gagap


Alhamdullillah, hari ini saya telah diingatkan dengan satu perkara.

Secara alami, saya bukan lah seorang yang mudah mengeluarkan kata-kata secara spontan. Tidak pernah menjadi wakil pemidato sekolah, atau wakil mana-mana pertandingan bercerita. Pernah masuk bertanding untuk pertandingan pantun mewakili sekolah, namun terpilihnya saya dalam team tersebut adalah kerana keupayaan saya untuk membina baris-baris pantun secara cepat. Andai dinilai dari segi lantunan suara untuk berpantun, saya kira itu mungkin menjadi sebab mengapa team kami hanya mampu bertahan di peringkat separuh akhir sahaja.

Adakala saya boleh mengeluarkan pendapat dan nasihat namun, 70% daripada keseluruhan situasi saya lebih kepada seorang yang banyak mendengar, dan jika diminta untuk melontarkan pendapat.. mungkin pendapat saya akan keluar tersekat-sekat. Ini secara alami- jika diminta bercakap secara spontan.

Namun kemajuan teknologi, membolehkan kita berbicara tanpa meluncurkan kata, maka saya menulis, dan saya kira sekiranya penilaian dilakukan secara maya, orang pasti melihat saya sebagai seorang yang ramah dan mesra. Walhal, sekiranya bertemu muka, saya mungkin dinilai sebagai seorang yang lebih banyak diam tersenyum dari berkata-kata - itupun jika kamu melihat muka saya.

Samalah dengan perkara tasmik. Entah, saya dapati saya sering membaca bacaan yang telah dihafal, jika tidak tersekat-sekat ia akan jadi sepatah-sepatah.
Sehingga kan Ustadza memberi komen, "Saya tahu awak dah hafal, cuma bacaan nya masih tak lancar, masih tersekat-sekat."
"Ya Ustadza. Even I can see the page clearly in my head, but when I start to read, I stuttered," jawab saya, kecewa dengan diri sendiri.
"Maybe you need to build confident," cadang Ustadza, menyuntik motivasi pada diri ini.
Saya diam tidak memberi sebarang maklumbalas. Seperti apa yang saya tulis di atas, saya bukanlah seorang yang mudah mengeluarkan kata-kata secara spontan.
"In shaa Allah," jawab saya mengakhiri perbualan.

Tatkala saya hampir merasakan yang saya mungkin bukanlah orang yang sesuai untuk menghafal Al-Quran, kerana saya pernah terbaca, hanya orang-orang tertentu sahaja yang terpilih untuk menghafal, Alhamdullillah.. persoalan yang berpusing-pusing di dalam kepala, di hantar jawapannya oleh Allah swt secara langsung. Saya diketemukan dengan artikel ringkas daripada DarulTauhid.com berkenaan dengan Petahnya Bicara. Di dalam artikel tersebut, ia menulis:

Bagaimana pula dengan nasib penceramah yang tidak begitu fasih dan kurang "umph" ? Kurang manis mukanya, kurang pandai bermadah dan mengayat, suara pun tergagap-gagap dan kurang mantap. Si pendengar pun asyik menguap... 

Mereka tidak dikenali. Tidak diikuti. Tidak dihadiri ceramahnya kecuali sedikit. Youtube viewers mungkin hanya berpuluh sahaja, itu pun sudah cukup menggembirakan.

Benarkah lagi petah bercakap lagi baik?
Lebih berkesan?
Lebih POWER?

Lupakah kita akan nasib NABI MUSA 'alaihissalam? Bukankah dia seorang yang gagap? Tidak jelas tutur katanya? Tidak kemas butir bicaranya? Hingga dia meminta agar Allah 'azza wa jalla menjadikan saudaranya Harun 'alaihissalam sebagai nabi dan teman baginya... yang lebih fasih dan petah; agar dia menjadi jurucakap bagi Musa?

Subhanallah.. statement ini sangat memotivasikan diri. Membawa kepada asbab mengapa saya lakukan semua ini.. Saya kembali meluruskan niyyah. Saya menghafal kerana Allah swt. Semoga Dia memberkati perjalanan ini, merahmati segala usaha saya, dan memakbulkan doa dan harapan saya.

Semoga Allah memudahkan segalanya. Ameen...

Selasa, 1 Mei 2018

C&P: Keep with the Qur’an

Keep with the Qur’an

One time I was memorising whilst in Makkah, and in two lines ahead of me I saw Shaykh Muhmmad Jebril. The Egyptians know him very well and is well known. At the time of the Iqamah I moved forward and quickly found room next to the Shaykh.

We prayed the Fard. Then I asked him, do you have any advice for anybody memorising the Qur’an? He said yes and so I enquired as to what it was.

He said: “Al Qur’an Yaghar,” as in The Qur’an is Jealous: “If you leave it one day, it will leave you for a week. If you leave it for one week, it will leave you for one month, if you leave it for one month, it will leave you for a year, and if you leave it for one year, it will leave you forever. It will desert you.” (Sh. Jebril)
This is very important wisdom, I believe in its truth. As part of business, I need to travel and during travel I may have missed my daily practice. When I came back, I found it to be very difficult to return to where I was. My teacher would notice this and say you are coming back in bad shape. So you have to start again.
Keep with the Qur’an all the time!
-- Dr Mohd Sabbahi

Selasa, 24 April 2018

Ramadan 2018


Alhamdulillah, banyak perkara yang berlaku (dalam hidup saya) kebelakangan ini.

As till today, 20 hari telah berlalu tanpa FB.  3days after I logoff Fb, parlimen Malaysia dibubarkan. Alhamdulillah. Syukur sangat, sebab rasa macam boleh agak saja yang timeline akan dibanjiri dengan kisah-kisah politik, yang tiada kepentingan dengan perjalanan kehidupan akhirat saya. 5 hari selepas saya logoff FB, saya delete apps instagram di telefon. Walaupon iG tersebut hanya berkisar kepada 'perniagaan' - @neezaneedles - namun jerat nya masih ada - butang EXPLORE. Sekali tertekan 30min hilang begitu sahaja. Itu baru bercakap pasal masa. Belum lagi bercakap pasal tompok-tompok hitam di hati yang meningkat naik secara mendadak. Huhuu...
All I can say after 20days without FB, and 15days without iG is my quality of life improved A LOT. I started on focusing on what's important for my family and ya, my deen. No more viral videos, no more cute pet pictures, no more non-sense! Lega... Alhamdulillah.

Amina pun dah wean-off breast feeding. Sebuah perjalanan 11 tahun, with a gap few months from one child to another, berakhir sudah. Saya senyum puas. Alhamdullillah, Allah swt banyak membantu. Jika hanya bergantung kepada motivasi diri, mungkin awal lagi dah quitted. I got my body back, Alhamdulillah.

^^^ semua yang di atas saya lakukan sebab nya satu - inshaallah saya ada projek besar untuk Ramadan tahun ini. 

Allahumma balighna Ramadan.. Ameen.

Ramadan selalu menjadi bulan yang cukup bermakna untuk saya memulakan suatu perubahan, mendekati diri kepada agama Allah.

  • Ramadan 1999 - saya terpanggil untuk membaca Al-Quran dengan terjemahan. Lalu saya beli mushaf yang pertama di dataran Pusanika yang ketika itu berlangsungnya Pesta Buku Agama sempena Ramadan. Saya kira ini titik permulaan saya mendekati Islam dan Al-Quran.
  • Ramadan 2003 - saya mula memakai tudung. 
  • Ramadan 2011 - saya mula merubah penampilan - berjubah dan berpakaian mesra solat ketika bersiar.
  • Ramadan 2012 - saya mula kembali kepada Al-Quran. Terima kasih kepada Konvensyen Bidadari 2012 yang banyak membuka mata. Walaupun tidak berjaya mengkhatam Al-Quran pada Ramadan ini, namun, saya dapat merasakan bahawa hubungan saya dengan Al-Quran semakin akrab dan terus berhubung sehingga kini. Alhamdulillah. 
  • Ramadan 2013 - permulaan saya melaksanakan solat pagi secara istiqamah. Alhamdullillah.
  • Ramadan 2014 - suami selalu mengatakan bahawa bacaan Quran saya agak lemah dari segi tajweed nya. Lantas, ramadan ini, saya berdoa agar diketemukan dengan akademi yang boleh membantu saya membaca Al-Quran, dengan tajweed yang betul. 4bulan kemudian saya menyertai TMEAG 5days intensive mega course -- yang kemudiannya banyak mengubah hidup saya. Alhamdulillah.
  • Ramadan 2015 - saya banyak berdoa agar urusan perjalanan Haji kami dipermudahkan. Alhamdullillah, Allah swt, memakbulkan doa-doa tersebut.
  • Ramadan 2016 - saya mula beristiqamah melakukan solat sunat 12 rakaat - 2 rakaat sebelum subuh, 4/2rakaat sebelum dan selepas Zhur, 2 rakaat selepas Magrib, 2 rakaat selepas Isyak dan 2 rakaat solat sunat sebelum tidur.
  • Ramadan 2017 - Alhamdulillah, setelah bertahun-tahun, saya akhirnya berjaya untuk solat tarawikh penuh dalam tahun ini, walaupon hanya melaksanakannya di rumah. 

InshaAllah, biidznillahi taala.. ramadan ini saya akan memfokuskan waktu untuk menghafal Al-Quran. Saya mahu sekurang-kurang nya apabila tamat 30hari 'bootcamp' ini, saya ada 1juzzuk dalam hati. Saya banyak berdoa berkenaan dengan perkara ini. Saya tahu saya seorang menghafal yang lembab, sebuah surah semuka separuh (seperti surah An-Jin, Al-Mutaffifin, Al-Insan) akan mengambil masa hampir 3minggu untuk benar-benar tertanam dalam hati dan lancar bacaan nya. Saya selalu tertanya-tanya bagaimana seseorang boleh menghafal separuh muka dalam sehari, dalam satu jam. Saya beli buku yang menceritakan pengalaman mereka yang mampu menghafal dalam tempoh setahun atau 2 tahun, dan membaca juga pengalaman dan tips kisah-kisah mereka di internet. Namun hasilnya masih hampir sama, seperti tiada perubahan pada diri.. saya berdoa dan berdoa, dan Allah memakbulkan doa tersebut dengan undangan menyertai Daurah.

Daurah 3hari menghafal 1 juzzuk.
Jemputan nya saya terima secara tidak sengaja pada hari Rabu. Daurah nya bermula Jumaat hingga Ahad. Hati meronta-ronta ingin turut serta. Petang tu, usai suami pulang kerja saya tanya, "Ada aktiviti apa-apa tak hujung minggu ini?". Dia jawab, "Cousin saya sekeluarga nak datang rumah kita." "Ok," jawab saya. Terasa ada halangan. Niat nak minta keizinan daurah tak terluah. Pihak urusetia majlis menghantar lagi pesanan ringkas, menanyakan confirmation samada mahu turut serta daurah atau tidak. Sekali lagi hati meronta-ronta mahu.
Pagi Jumaat, sebelum suami pergi kerja saya gagahkan diri bertanya,
"Ada daurah menghafal Quran hujung minggu ni di Port Kelang. Saya ingat nak turut serta, tapi kena bermalam kat sana."
Pantas suami menjawab, "Pergilah."
"Daurahnya start hari ni, Ok ke?"
"Ok." Alhamdulillah.

So, saya ke daurah. 3hari 2malam dengan tujuan mendapatkan 1 juzzuk dalam hati.

SubhanaAllah. Ia merupakan pengalaman yang sangat mahal. Duduk hostel, makan dalam dulang, banyak perkara yang pertama kali saya lakukan di saat umur mencecah 40tahun. Dan saya suka apa yang saya alami:
pagi bangun jam3, solat, Quran..
solat subuh, Quran,
Dhuha, Quran..
Lunch qailullah.
Zhur, Quran,..
Asar, Quran...
Maghrib, Quran..
Isha' Quran..

Alhamdulillah.. Best!!! A life that I somehow enjoyed. Alhamdullillah. Ia nya mengingatkan impian zaman sekolah yang ingin berdamping dengan agama - saya suka bersolat masa sekolah dulu, dan pernah mengimpikan kehidupan seperti Maryam as, duduk baca kitab dan beribadat sahaja. Malah saya pernah menyatakan jika dalam Islam ada coventry, kehidupan seperti 'nun', saya berminat untuk menjadi salah seorang seperti mereka. Mungkin juga statement seperti ini terkeluar disebabkan terpengaruh dengan cerita the Sound of Music, hehee..

Apa pun di penghujung Daurah, saya hanya dapat bawa pulang semuka hafalan, yang agak rapuh. Teknik bagaimana menghafal cepat itu masih tidak saya kuasai. Namun, saya masih merasakan ada berkahnya daurah ini, kerana sekembalinya saya dari daurah, baru saya temui method tersebut di sebuah program Kursus Menghafal Quran secara online yang saya sertai. SubhanaAllah. Alhamdulillah.

One thing i learnt from the daurah is how to focus. Focus pada diri sendiri dan Quran. Fokus pada halatuju diri - in a month later how much you want to achieve? In the next 6 month? In one year? Melihat pada ketidaksempurnaan diri sendiri dan bukannya menilai kesalahan orang lain.

Dan banyak benda juga yang saya fikir sekembali nya daripada daurah ini. I think my plate is too full. Masa banyak diisi dengan menuntut ilmu dan ia mengehadkan masa untuk saya duduk dan fokus menghafal. Menghafal perlu fokus yang tinggi, fikiran tidak boleh tersimpang siur memikirkan perkara lain - hw, kelas A, kelas B dan sebagai nya. 

A few times I did salatal isthiqarah. For Allah to show me guidance to make a good and firm decision that I will not regret at the end. Jemputan daurah, dan juga notis daripada pihak TMEAG yang menyatakan students tidak dibenarkan menuntut ilmu daripada guru-guru berbeza seperti sebuah 'sign' yang jelas. Sesuatu akan pergi... sesuatu mesti pergi...

Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat.
Salam alaik.

Khamis, 19 April 2018

C&P: Memorizing the Quran completely in 50 days!


Copy and paste article for reference and motivation.


Memorizing the Quran completely in 50 days!
As-salaamu `alaykum
I recently heard an incredibly amazing account told by Shaykh Yasir Salamah, one of the leading Imams and
reciters of Egypt. In his audio tape ‘When will I see you as a Haafidh?’ he speaks of the true account of
Muhammad, a brother who after attending a workshop on memorizing Qur’aan and utilising all the available
mediums, went on to memorise the entire Qur’aan within just 50 days (i.e 2 months).
Within 2 months?!
Yes. Within 2 months. This is his account and he says:
“I declared a state of Jihad upon my soul and put death before my eyes. I made an intention to memorise the
Noble Qur’aan. So I abandoned telephone calls and unnecessary visits, and I changed all the negative thoughts
associated with hifdh (memorisation) to positive and practical ones e.g. When a thought came to me saying ‘I
can’t do it!’ I’d say, ‘I can do it.’ If it said, ‘My memory is weak!’ I’d say ‘I take pleasure in having a great
I chose the masjid as the place of my hifdh as it preserves three:
1. The eyes
2. The ears
3. The tongue
I followed a specific dietary program consisting of eating dates, fruits and honey - and fasting helped me a
great deal in that. I used to wake up before salaat al-Fajr by 2 and a half hours and I slept 2 hours after ‘Isha. I
used to wake up for Tahajjud (the night prayer), prolonging my sujood wherein I would call upon Allaah ta’alaa
to ease for me my affair. I would also seek forgiveness 100 times.
I began to memorise 5 pages and would recite them in the Sunnah prayers of Fajr. After salaat al-Fajr, I would
begin the memorisation of 5 new pages and at the end, I would recite them in the 2 raka’ahs of salaat al-
Duhaa, all the time thanking Allaah for easing the memorisation.
I would perfect the recitation of what I had memorised by listening to tapes of one of the recitors. I would read
about the qiraa’ah in books or via the Muqaddimah al-Jazariyyah (poem on the ahkam of tajweed).
After salaat al-Dhuhr, I would repeat everything that I had memorised previously beginning from the 1st Juz,
until salaat al-’Asr. After the ‘Asr prayer, I would repeat the new portion of hifdh and the juz before. After the
Maghrib prayer, I would prepare the recitation of 10 new pages and it was only after salaat al-’Isha that I’d
review the Qur’aan with my teacher, may Allaah reward him well.
Before retiring to bed, I would listen to all that I memorised in the day from cassettes and I would be sitting for
6 continuous hours, without any boredom or feeling tired. In the 1st week, I would sit for 6 hours, memorising
and revising. In the 2nd week, I would sit for 8 hours. In the 3rd week, it was 10 hours and in the 4th week, it
was 12 hours. In the last 10 days, I was sitting for 14 hours memorising and revising.
The hardest times for me were when it came to sleeping and eating. I ardently wished that the period of sleep
would end quickly so that I could start my hifdh of the Noble of Qur’aan. Everytime I began to read the
Qur’aan and memorise, I felt such delight and enjoyment that I had never felt before. Du’a was an important
factor for me before and after hifdh. I would memorise a page whilst sitting down and then repeat it whilst
walking. My teacher played an important role in encouraging me, in revision, in correcting me and benefiting
me in terms of Tajweed.
In the last week, on the night of 20th Ramadan, only 4 and a half juz remained until completion of hifdh. So I
turned to Allaah to open up my way and ease it for me. I went on to memorise it in 6 days with the Help of Allaah.
Laylatul-Qadr came, the night of delight and happiness - it was like a wedding night to me. My completion of
hifdh took place between Maghrib and ‘Isha in the masjid with the Imam and those in I’tikaaf. We began the
khatma (reciting from beginning till end of the Book). In the end, during the du’aa, my heart opened up greatly
and I began to weep like never before. It was the most beautiful hour of my life. Allaah had honoured me with
the memorisation of His Book.
During the du’aa, I remembered a dream I had more than 10 years ago… I was a Mu’adhin of a mosque and
after Fajr salaah, I sat remembering Allaah in the mosque. I felt sleepy so I took a nap in the middle of the
mosque, and behold! I found myself amidst a gathering. A powerful ray of light descended from the sky down
to the middle of the masjid. From that light came many angels and between them were 2 big Angels. One of
them turned towards me and took me to the light. I entered along with the 2 angels. I then found myself on
top of a large green tree - I began to climb it in the companionship of the 2 angels. We found angels standing
by the door of the 1st heaven. They said to me ‘Where are you going?’ They opened up a book and said, ‘We
don’t have your name with us, so climb onwards to the top.’ And likewise, all the time (through each heaven),
they said the same thing to me.
Upon arriving at the 7th heaven, we reached the end of the tree. I found angels standing at the door and they
said, ‘Are you Muhammad?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ They said, ‘Enter, for the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa
sallam) wants you.’ I said to the 2 angels that were with me ‘Come in with me.’ They said, ‘We can’t enter. But
we will wait for you.’ So I entered Jannah and behold, I saw therein what no eye has seen, no ear has heard
and had never entered in the heart of Man. Angels were surrounding me and there was a door, on top of it
was written
لا إله إلا اللّ محمد اللّ رسول - لفردوسا جنة
(There is no God but Allaah and Muhammad is His Messenger. Al-Firdaws Paradise).
The Angels opened the door and I entered. Before me was the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa
sallam) sitting at the top end and beside him were men, some that I recognised and some that I didn’t. In front
of him were a very large group of men, women and children. They wore white clothes, and they were so many
that they had a beginning but no end. All of them were reciting Qur’aan.
The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) called me and I went up to him. He got up and made
some space for me. I kissed him and he sat me down besides him. I asked him ‘Who are these people O
Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘These are the people who have memorised the Book of Allaah `azza wa jall.’
Inshaa’Allaah ta’ala, the dream ended in truth. I never spoke to anyone about it until the night that I
completed the memorisation of the Qur’aan.”
Allahu Akbar, if this is not tawfeeq from Allaah and determination… I don’t know what is!

Ahad, 8 April 2018

C&P- How I Memorized the Quran In Three Stages by Isra Migdad


C&P article from this link:
For keepsake.


Before memorization tips:

  1. Be sincere and renew your intention.
  2. Seek Allah’s help: when you plan, memorize, revise, lose motivation, lack understanding. Turn to him, they are His words and He alone can teach you them. Never underestimate the power of du’aa in sujood.
  3. Write down a list of your friends/ family members/ people who will be part of your project. Be it by encouraging or memorizing with you.
  4. Say NO often: Cancel unnecessary meetings/ activities. Cut back on things you are used to, to find more time to get into the mood and start memorizing.
  5. Keep away from sins: Always repent if you once feel messed up! Remember that Allah is by your side and seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan and keep going. We are not perfect at the end and a sin will prevent you from continuing only if you insist, remember this!
  6. Find a recitation/ Tajweed teacher: S/he will teach and help you recite the verses properly and follow up with you. Your teacher could be your mom, dad or siblings at home (if they can recite Qur’an with Tajweed).
  7. Use one Mus’haf— (Quran): So you can use a pencil to mark words and underline verses. Try to get a standard size Qur’an, not too big, that you can’t hold and take it everywhere you go, and not too small, that will be hard to memorize from, and you won’t be able to write on it.
  8. Know your memorization style: Whether using sign-language, copying in a notebook, raising your voice while reciting, writing the beginning of every verse, walking around while memorizing, listening to a reciter and repeating after him. You choose the best technique, and of course you can use more than one, according to your mood, time, place, etc.
  9. Set a flexible plan: It may seem the hardest part to some people. But if you do all the above points, I am sure everything else will be easy. A flexible plan means to have plan A and plan B. It means that you get to know your abilities and write down an action plan that suits you. It will be as easy to say: “I will memorize one page every day after Fajr and another before I sleep/ after ‘Ishaa.” Print out a schedule to follow up on your progress and that’s it!

While-memorizing tips:

  1. Be that early-bird person: Wake up before Fajr time and memorize your required pages. It’s an advise given by most if not all Huffadh of the Qur’an.
  2. Turn off your devices: To avoid distractions and to deeply focus on what you intend to memorize.
  3. Recite, Read, and Repeat, (3R’s, rule): Make sure that you recite the page properly with Tajweed rules, listening to a reciter is really helpful. You can also recite the page you intend to memorize several times before you sleep and memorize it in the morning. Read the vague verses and words meanings from a Tafeer, so you understand what you are reciting. Mind-maps for chapters of the Qur’an are also helpful, (please do google them). Knowing the stories of the verses make memorization easy. Repeat the page/ verse over and over again until you are done with it. Dividing the page into parts according to their subject, and then gluing it together is also helpful.
  4. Take a break: A ten-minute break is a really good refresher. Do it often.
  5. Set time goals: Have a max goal of an hour/half an hour per page according to your ability, and by time, the more you memorize the easier it becomes.

Revising Tips:

  1. Try not to only memorize, always remember that the Qur’an is so easily forgotten, so give yourself time to revise the pages you already memorized.
  2. The best way to make sure that your memorization is perfect is to recite the page while you are praying. You can do this in Tahajjud.
  3. Be productive in the time you spend in transportation. Revise a certain page or listen to reciter reading it over and over again.
  4. Write your own revision strategy when you finish it all, you can start with a group of friends (I really recommend this).

When-lazy tips:

  1. Change your place and take a break!
  2. Go back to your friends-list: Call or meet one of them. They will be there for you and your mood will absolutely change.
  3. Watch a video about the Qur’an and the reward of reciting, memorizing and studying it. Learn about peoples experiences memorizing the Qur’an. “Guided Through the Qur’an” program is a really good one. (Available on YouTube)
  4. Remind yourself with the many reasons why you started in the first place and why you should continue in this unique journey with the Qur’an.

More Tips?

  1. For those who do not speak Arabic or know Tajweed it would be best if you spend some time learning those first, so you can memorize it correctly the first time. Hear as you learn, never stop listening to reciters as this will make it easier for you to read the Qur’an properly. And remember that Allah the Almighty says: “And We have certainly made the Qur’an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” I personally recommend learning Arabic with teachers like Nouman Ali Khan. His “Arabic with Husna” free lessons on Bayyinah TV are really amazing. Islamic Online University also offers the “Intensive Arabic Program”. Or you simply can join your local Masjid/ Islamic center to learn Arabic and the science of Tajweed.
  2. Regardless of your age or profession, you still can do it. There are hundreds of stories that will inspire you to take your first steps in this journey, just search YouTube and see how many stories will move you to tears.
  3. Do not delay: Start as soon as you finish reading this article.

Sabtu, 7 April 2018

Study tips


Sharing my notes from the Taleem-ul Quran class.

Study tips - how to study and memorise effectively:
  1. Purify intention - do this solely because of Allah swt.
  2. Begins with istiadzah and basmallah.
  3. Sit in a quite place with less amount of disturbance. This will help to FOCUS.
  4. Turn off distraction - NO socmed when you're study. Put away your phone!
  5. Do NOT multitask. Stay Focus.
  6. Feelin stress? Always turn to Allah swt. - perform 2 rakaat solah & make duas.
  7. Read duas - (i) Before starting to study/memorise, (ii) in the Middle when you feel confuse or tired,  and (iii) After you've done with the lesson.
  8. Hearing what you want to memorise in your own voice will help you Memorise : i. Faster, and ii. Better. Read out LOUD is required.
  9. Write the difficult words - Flashcards, and read it most the time.
  10. Test yourself (record and listen back) to make sure you memorise it correctly.

May this sharing brings benefit.
Salam alaik.

Jumaat, 6 April 2018



Alhamdullillah. Kita telah pun memasuki ke bulan April. Suku pertama tahun 2018 telah selamat berlalu.

Ramadan bakal tiba kurang dari 40 hari. Saya telah mula menyusun jadual untuk menyambut Ramadan, Alhamdullillah. Order untuk NeezaNeedles juga telah ditutup dan kini saya hanya ada 3 order berbaki, mungkin akan cuba untuk disiapkan dalam 10hari ini. Kelas Taleem-ul Quran telah bermula 2 minggu yang lepas. Alhamdullillah, so far so good. I like how the word to word translation and analysis was taught. It did give me a new perspective on how to look at the Quran now. Kelas tersebut juga banyak mengisi masa saya yang selama ini disiakan. Alhamdullillah.

Minggu lepas saya menghadiri perjumpaan penulis-penulis team LangitIlahi. Banyak perkara baru yang dipelajari dan yang membuka mata saya adalah soal prioriti. Apa yang kita mahu dalam hidup ini? Apa yang kita kejar? Walaupun pertemuan itu, banyak berkisar tentang kegiatan penulisan, namun saya melihat dari penjuru yang berlainan. Apa yang kita mahu, kita perlu berkorban untuk mendapatkannya. Berkorban masa, tenaga, dan kesenangan = kerana kita mahu. Singkirkan kerikil yang menjadi penghalang kepada perjalanan kita. Kerikil boleh jadi sebab luaran, boleh jadi juga sebab dalaman. Malas, berlengah, tidak menguruskan waktu dengan betul adalah kerikil dalaman. Kerikil luaran pula adalah perkara yag boleh kita kawal. Contoh, menangguhkan melakukan perkara yang lain untuk mendahului priority.

Persoalannya, apa priority itu? Apa yang kita kejar?
Manusia sering ditipu oleh masa. Kita rasa kita punya banyak masa, kita ada hari esok dan masa depan. Kerja sekarang, kita kata sekejap lagi. Dan masa itu diisi dengan perkara yang tiada manfaat.

Saya bercakap tentang diri sendiri. Janganlah ada pembaca yang merasa saya menuding jari kepada mereka.

Sepulangnya saya dari pertemuan itu, banyak yang saya fikir.. Panjang..
Saya rasa saya perlu memfokuskan kepada cita-cita saya untuk 5tahun kehadapan ini. Kelas Taleem-ul Quran, Halaqah Masjid Nabawi dan juga projek menghafal Quran saya. InsyaAllah, jika diizinkannya, manuskrip itu akan saya siapkan selepas selesai apa yang priority. Mungkin selepas itu, idea juga akan muncul mencurah-curah dan menghasilkan buku demi buku, insyaAllah..

Hari ini juga adalah hari ke-2 saya logoff dari FB. Terasa seperti disconnected with something. Dalam kepala rasa seperti, what did i miss? what if i miss this and that ? Hahaa.. But on another side, rasa lebih fokus, tidak menyibuk kepada perkara yang tidak sepatutnya disibukkan. Withdrawal memang mcm ni, I'll be better in few days, inshaAllah..


Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat.
Salam alaik.

Rabu, 4 April 2018

C&P - How to Memorize the Quran


Cut and paste from other blog. For keepsake.


Advice from Madina — How To Memorize The Quran

Dr Abdul Muhsin Al Qasim, the Imam and Khatib the Prophet Mosque, of the delight of our eyes Messenger of Allah, our beloved master Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) — Masjid al-Nabawiyy.

Deep Memorization of the Quran: Advice from Madina al Munawwarah.

This method is excellent for the strength of memorisation and its solidity (deep-rootedness) and the quick speed of memorisation and quick completing the Qur’an. Note it is not necessarily the case that you MUST use this method, but you MUST try it. You NEED to find your method and own it!
So here we go. Taking the example of Surah al-Jumu’ah:
  1. Read the first verse 20 times
  2. Read the second verse 20 times
  3. Read the third verse 20 times
  4. Read the fourth verse 20 times
  5. Read these (above) four from the beginning to the end, to link them, 20 times.
  6. Read the fifth verse 20 times
  7. Read the sixth verse 20 times
  8. Read the seventh verse 20 times
  9. Read the eighth verse 20 times
  10. Read from the fifth verse to the eighth verse 20 times to consolidate between them
  11. Read from the first verse to the eighth verse 20 times to perfect this page.
You should continue like this for every page of the Qur’an. Persist with it and you will get better and better. As with anything the more you give it, the better you get. The next thing to note is that you should not exceed memorising a certain amount as to not exert yourself. You should not exceed your daily portion above and beyond one eighth of a chapter.

If I wish to memorise a new page tomorrow then how do I do it?

If you wish to memorise another page for the next day, then before you memorise the new page using the method mentioned above, read from the beginning of the page (you memorised yesterday) to the end of the page 20 times so that the previously memorised page becomes solid (in your memory). Then memorise the new page using the method shown.

How do I combine between memorisation and revision?

Do not memorise the Qur’an without revision, (otherwise) if you memorise the Qur’an, page by page until you complete the Qur’an, and you wish to return to what you have memorised you would find that you have forgotten what you had memorised. (You would have forgotten by the time you stopped reading the first pages you had learnt).
The correct way is to combine memorisation with revision. Divide the Qur’an into 3 divisions: every 10 parts (juz) is a division. Then if you memorise one page a day, then you should revise 4 pages a day until you have memorised 10 juz. Then when you have memorised 10 juz, stop for one whole month for revision, everyday revising 8 pages.
And after a month of revision, start memorising the remainder, a page or two, according to your capabilities and revise 8 pages until you complete memorising 20 juz. Then when you have memorised 20 juz, stop the memorisation for 2 whole months for the revision of the 20 juz, everyday revising 8 pages. Then when the 2 months of revision have passed, start with the memorisation, doing one or two pages everyday according to your capability, while revising 8 pages until you complete memorising the entire Qur’an.
When you have completed memorising the entire Qur’an, revise the first 10 juz alone for one month; everyday half a juz. Then you go to the second 10 juz for a month, everyday half a juz and you read 8 pages from the first 10 juz. Then you go to memorizing the last 10 juz for one month, everyday half a juz and 8 pages from the first 10 juz and 8 pages from the second 10 juz.

How do I revise the entire Qur’an when I have completed this (above) revision?

Start with revising the entire Qur’an: everyday 2 parts (juz), repeating them thrice everyday, thereby completing the revision of the entire Qur’an every two weeks. And in this way, during one year you would memorise the entire Qur’an with perfection while you use this method the whole year.

What do I do after one year of memorising the Qur’an?

After a year of perfecting the revision of the Qur’an, then let your “Manzil” (division) of the Qur’an be that of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) until your death. The Qur’an is divided into seven divisions in this way you complete the Qur’an once every seven days.
(Note: there are two terms used, Manzil and Hizb. They both mean portions but will we used in different Qur’an copies. Manzil is used in asian/sub-continental copies whereas Hizb is used in Arab/Uthmani copies. There are 60 Hizb all together but divided into 4 quarters per Hizb. The Manzil method divides each Juz into 4 quaters but divides the Qur’an into 7 divisions).
Ahmad and Abu Dawud narrated from Aws b. Hudhayfa, may Allah be well pleased with him, who said: ‘We came to the Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace be upon him, as part of the delegation of Thaqif.’ He said: ‘The Messenger of Allah, prayers and peace be upon him, would come to us every night after ‘isha and speak to us.’ He said: ‘One night he was late from (coming to see us at) the time he would come to us.’ We said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, you have come to us late tonight.’ He said: ‘I had my portion of the Qur’an to read and I did not want to come until I had finished it.’
Aws said: ‘I asked the companions of the Messsenger of Allah, prayers and peace be upon him, about how he divided up his reading of the Qur’an.’ They said: ‘Three, five, seven, nine, eleven, thirteen and the Mufassal.’
Thus, the Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him, would complete the Qur’an weekly. His reading would be as follows:
  • Day 1: Fatiha to Al-‘Imran (three suras)
  • Day 2: Al-Nisa to Al-Anfal (five suras)
  • Day 3: Al-Tawba to Al-Hijr (seven suras)
  • Day 4: Al-Nahl to Al-Nur (nine suras)
  • Day 5: Al-Furqan to Al-Fatir (eleven suras)
  • Day 6: Ya Sin to Al-Fath (thirteen suras)
  • Day 7: Al-Hujurat to Al-Nas (Mufassal)

How do I differentiate between the Mutashabihat (verses that are similar) in the Qur’an?

The best way is that when you come across two similar verses in the Qur’an, then open the Qur’an (Mushaf) to both these verses and look at the difference in the two verses and reflect over it, and set a rule for yourself, and during your memorisation note the difference many times until you have perfected the similarities between the two of them.

Rules and disciplines in memorisation:

  • It is necessary that you do your memorisation with a qualified teacher (so that he may) correct the recitation.
  • Memorise two (sides of a) pages everyday, one after Fajr and one after Asr or Maghrib and in this way you will memorise the entire Qur’an solidly during one year and your memorisation will be perfect, but if you increase in memorisation then that which you memorised will be weak. (based upon 20 page per juz Qur’an / 15 lines)
  • The memorisation should be from Sura Naas to Sura Fatihah because it is easier, and after your memorisation of the Qur’an, your revision should be from Surah Baqarah to Sura Naas.
  • The memorisation should be from one printed copy so it helps the firm-rootedness of memorisation and the quickness of remembering the places of the verses and the ending of pages and the beginning of them.
  • Everyone memorising in the first two years, that which is memorised slips away (he forgets easily that which has been memorised) and this is called “the assembly stage” so do not feel sad that the Qur’an is slipping away from you or your many mistakes. And this is a difficult phase with trials, because Shaytan has a part in stopping you from memorising the Qur’an. So turn down his whisperings and continue memorising because it is a treasure not given to just anyone.
Originally written by: Dr ‘Abdul Muhsin al-Qaasim Imam and Khatib of the Prophets Mosque in Madinah al-Munawwarah.
Edited and updates by: Qari Mubashir Anwar.

Selasa, 27 Mac 2018

Berkata benar


"Puan, dah siap tak carrier saya?" kiriman pesanan ringkas daripada seorang customer diterima masuk.
Details pesanan customer tersebut saya periksa dan ternyata, due order dia adalah semalam.
"Alamak," bisik hati. Carrier dia masih dalam bentuk kain lagi, belum berjahit. Kesibukkan perkara lain menyebabkan saya terlupa.
"InsyaAllah lagi 2 hari ya Puan. Tengah jahit ni," balas saya, ada sedikit pembohongan di situ.
Alhamdullillah, 2 hari kemudian carrier dia siap dipos, setelah bertungkus lumus menyiapkannya.

Seketika kemudian, saya mula merasakan kenapa lah sukarnya nak hafal some ayat yang pendek dan bunyi nya sangat simple, I keep on confusing, terjumble-jumble ayat tu. And then I reflect to my own self. "Did I commit any sins?" Mula-mula rasa macam tak ada buat dosa -solat, ngaji tak tinggal, then I remembered a very simple sins, as the above situation - sebuah pembohongan. Memang, I did delivered the carrier in 2 days as promised, quwataillah billah, but statement 'tengah jahit' itu adalah statement menipu. The fabric was raw uncut, when I received her message. Astaghfirullah.. so thats the sins that I've commited yang bikin susah sangat nak hafal even ayat pendek dan bernada mudah (all tarqeeq letters).

Dan di sini lah datangnya 'hudan'.. petunjuk.. dan petunjuk yang terbaik adalah daripada Allah swt, iaitu Al-Quran:

Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertaqwalah kepada Allah, dan katakanlah perkataan yang tepat - benar (dalam segala perkara), Supaya Ia memberi taufiq dengan menjayakan amal-amal kamu, dan mengampunkan dosa-dosa kamu. Dan (ingatlah) sesiapa yang taat kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah berjaya mencapai sebesar-besar kejayaan. (Al-Ahzaab 33:70-71)

Suatu pembohongan adalah tetap pembohongan. Tiada istilah bohong sunat, nak cover keadaan, menjaga hati atau nak bagi sedap jalan cerita. Ianya adalah dosa, natijahnya: tompok hitam pada hati. Dan jika dilakukan dengan kerap, maka hilanglah sinar pada hati dalam menerima taufiq Ilahi.

I learnt my lesson, Alhamdullillah. Lepas tu anything, insyaAllah, cakap je terus terang, "tak jahit lagi Puan", "Belum siap lagi".. dan seterusnya.

Dan Alhamdullilah, ayat-ayat yang nak dihafal juga mudah meresap dan kekal diingatan. Alhamdullillah..

Semoga Allah swt terus-terusan memberikan hidayah dan petunjuk untuk kita menjadi manusia yang berjaya pada keseluruhan kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Ameen...

Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat.
Salam alaik.

Isnin, 26 Mac 2018



But simply organizing our stuff (without removing it) is always only a temporary solution. By definition, organizing possessions is an action that must be repeated over and over and over again.

Saya sangat suka akan kehidupan minimalism - saya seperti mahu semua orang menikmati kehidupan seperti ini. MasyaAllah quwataillah billah.. kehidupan yang ringkas dan sederhana memberi banyak masa dan peluang untuk melakukan perkara yang lebih bermanfaat.

Seperti contoh:
Rumah yang sedikit perabot nya, hanya perlu sedikit masa untuk mengemas. Sapu-sapu, vakum mana patut - selesai.
Almari yang tidak banyak baju mengurangkan pilihan dan masa untuk berfikir nak pakai baju apa hari ini.
Jadual waktu lauk untuk 2 minggu memberikan saya idea awal apa yang nak masak hari ini, dan apa yang nak dibeli di pasar.
Susunan masa yang teratur juga memudahkan saya menguruskan hari - waktu kelas online, masa untuk memasak, masa untuk menghafal, ulangkaji pelajaran, dan masa bersama anak-anak, juga waktu senggang untuk saya membaca buku.
Pembahagian tugasan kerja rumah - di mana department basuh kain diuruskan oleh suami - juga meringankan beban saya. Btw, kami basuh kain di self-service dobi - senang lepas dibasuh terus di-dryer. Tak ada kisah jemur baju dan kelecehan untuk mengangkatnya (masalah orang berniqab - keluar rumah sekadar nak potong daun kunyit untuk memasak pun, keadaan nya 'presentable' seperti boleh ke usrah).

Dan untuk menjayakan semua diatas:
i. jangan suka membeli barang, termasuk la permainan anak, baju-baju anak semua - pakai saja baju apa yang ada. Yang buruk dibuang, yang masih elok pakai sampai puas. Untuk baju anak kami memang beli masa Raya sahaja. Other than that, they will wear the same ol baju. Memang nampak kesian, balik-balik pakai baju tu saja budak-budak ni, but they are happy. Ada perkara lain yang lebih penting daripada membeli baju baru untuk mereka. Kami selalu cakap, kita simpan duit untuk percutian keluarga, and they happy with the reason, and of course looking forward for it every year. Alhamdullillah juga duduk di negara semusim, masalah pakaian sangat tidak kritikal.

ii. turn off distraction - no tv, less time on fb - follow only beneficial people and page, logoff from instagram, change the password and never return, STICK to the daily timetable. Alhamdullillah, perkara ni memang banyak membantu mengembalikan masa saya yang hilang secara separa sedar. Dan Alhamdullillah juga dengan aktiviti menghafal, since I have a daily target, suka atau tak, perkara 'itu' kena didulukan. Have to sit and practice. Juga kelas-kelas yang ada hw, kena sit and do, and revise. Alhamdullillah..

iii. have a clear goal. By today i must achieve .. so and so. Carrier ni kena siap dan post, hw kena submit, ayat kena hafal.. dan Alhamdulillah, semua ini benar-benar memberi nilai pada hari-hari saya. Tidak lah masa itu dibuang dengan sia-sia.

Pokoknya minimalism, kerana saya rasa jika barang banyak dalam rumah, saya mungkin tiada masa untuk perkara lain.. asyik nak mengemas saja. Lepas kemas, bila anak buat kecah, marah-marah.. Anak rasa tak seronok, saya pun rasa tak seronok. Huhuhu..

Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat.
Salam alaik.

Ahad, 25 Mac 2018

Taleem Al-Quran AlHuda Inst


Setelah 2 kali perjalanan untuk Program Alimah terkandas di pertengahan jalan (pertama kali bersama dengan Hannanah Academy (2015), dan kemudian bersama Nur Ilm Academy (2017)), pada tahun ini saya mencuba sekali lagi untuk program yang hampir serupa: Taleem Al-Quran bersama Al-Huda Institute.

Sedikit maklumat berkaitan program pengajian ini:
i. merupakan pengajian peringkat diploma
ii. 2 kali seminggu (Isnin dan Selasa, 1030mlm-3pg (waktu Malaysia)) - waktu pengajian agak menakutkan namun untuk kelas yang hanya 2 kali seminggu saya rasa ini tidak begitu membebankan
iii. program pengajian adalah selama 4 tahun
iv. program yang ini adalah batch ke-3 (code known as tme3). Batch seterusnya hanya akan ditawarkan selepas batch 3 tamat iaitu pada tahun 2021. Jadi saya rasa saya perlu ambil peluang ini. Terdapat juga kelas-kelas taleem-ul Quran yang lain namun masa nya agak berat bg saya (5 jam sehari untuk 5hari seminggu (kursus boleh selesai dalam 18 bulan - TQE8) atau 5jam sehari untuk 3kali seminggu (kursus boleh selesai dalam tempoh 2 tahun - TSL2)). Kursus selanjutnya akan dibuka apabila kursus yang sediaada selesai menghasilkan para graduasi. Jadi semakin ditanggung, semakin lama waktu perlu ditunggu. 

Detail course: https://www.alhudaus.com/product/taleem-al-quran-morning-english-certificate-course-tme3/

Namun perbezaan besar antara program ini berbanding dengan yang sebelumnya, kali ini saya perlu membayar usd30 setiap bulan sebagai yuran pengajian. Memang sengaja saya pilih kelas berbayar, supaya menjadi motivasi dan menidakkan sebarang alasan untuk menangguhkan pengajian.

Semoga perkonsian ini membawa manfaat.
Salam alaik.